neocons reject the science
As Tom hanks said in the Movie "forest Gump", " Stupid is as Stupid does" and "life is like a box of chocolates". You can not change Stupid. In the mix of life there are many who take the good candy out of the box by poking a hole in it and reject what they do not want as there first choice. Given no choice, they eat the whole box.
In Antarctic Ice Scientists have found more C02 than at any other point in the past 650,000 years. C02 for the neocons is the greenhouse gas or Carbon Dioxide.
20 years ago it was 280 parts per million now it's 380 parts per million.
Neocons take short term profits over any long term damage to the Mother Earth. Fact is they don't care at all about how our kids and there kids will be forced to live.
Why do you think Neocons want to drill for oil in Awar? We all know it's because they own stock in oil companies and they will get higher returns on there investments.
Neocons are not smart enough to hold back some oil in case of war.
Without oil planes will not fly and tanks will be useless. If we ever go to war with Arab countries only the Arabs will have oil.
Idiots all...
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