Saturday, December 10, 2005

let em eat dirt like in Africa

Iraq is costing tax payers $6 billion per Month. We are building schools and putting Iraq in new sewers. GOD help the U.S.A.

Profits for major Corporations are doing really well. Oil Companies are rolling in cash. All good news on TV news.

Not in the News at 6 pm.

Verizon will cut pensions to save $3 billion over 10 years. U.S. employers ranging from General Motors Corp. to IBM are seeking ways to curb rising pension costs.

Only in America, I love my Country. I do not love the misguided and flat out wrong priorities of Congress.
If Congress was in fact about doing the will of the people then Congress would shut off the funds for Iraqis.
I do not support Welfare. If Iraq wants to borrow money for Sewers and schools let them get it from where we borrow the Interest on that National debt, that would be China and Japan.


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