Sunday, January 22, 2006

The average persons opinion

Why do so many hate Bu$h? Yahoo questions,

President Bush breaks the law and desecrates the Constitution.

Consider the evidence: The Eighth Amendment prohibits "cruel and unusual punishment," but Bush approves of extraordinary rendition, which allows suspects to be sent off to foreign regimes that condone cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment. He thus circumvents the Geneva Conventions forbdding torture.

The Fifth Amendment guarantees "due process of law," but the secret prisons operated overseas by the CIA totally ignore the "presumption of innocence," and thus run roughshod over this right.

The Fourth Amendment prohibits "unreasonable search and seizure" unless there is "probable cause," but Bush authorizes electronic eavesdropping on all American citizens without the court-approved warrants required for domestic spying. He also violates the "separation of powers" principle when he commands the executive branch of the government to operate secretly, and evade the checks and balances of the judicial branch.

The Fourth Amendment guarantees "the right of the people to be secure in their papers and effects," but Bush's reauthorization of the Patriot Act --- which allows the government access to medical and library records --- makes a shambles of this right to privacy. Since an Orvellian Big Brother might be spying on you, you had better not borrow Marx's "Communist Manifesto" from the local library.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right of the accused to "a speedy trial" and the right "to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation," but the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are held for indefinite periods without legal representation, and without even hearing the charges against them.

The First Amendment ensures freedom of the press, but Bush mocks that freedom when he denounces the media as "shameful" for reporting his illigal domestic surveillance, and when he threatens an investigation of The New York Times.
He's a moron.
My thoughts.

Because most people hate liars, stupid people, tyrants or crooks. So, imagine how they feel about a stupid, liar, crook, tyrant!

Of course, there are actual IDIOTS who believe the war in Iraq had ANYTHING to do with 9/11. They should take reading lessons and read the newspapers. Then there are those who say the President is always right. Really, then maybe the German people should not be blamed, after all they just thought their Chancellor (Hitler) was right. THEN, the biggest hoot is when someone says Bush does not cater to special interests. He IS a special interest. He is the ultimate Manchurian Candidate. Sticking his finger in the air? He wouldn't even know how to do that unless Cheney told him how.

Read my lips. We are in Iraq for Haliburton.

Bin Laden is NOT in Iraq, and is still out there planning to kill us. 3000 Americans DIED while AND BECAUSE Bush ignored the SPECIFIC warnings of aircraft hitting buildings. 2200 MORE have died fighting in Iraq, 3000 miles from where Bin Laden was, is and remains.

Now he is spying on US, if we criticize his administration. Is this some people's idea of the USA? They ought to move to the USSR.

So, anyone with half a brain, ability to read and THINK, will detest Bush for being the worst enemy of the American Constitution and our freedoms that Bin Laden and his terror dogs ever could be.


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