The president just missed his PR chance
If Clinton were in office, he would have used the opportunity to gain the PR limelight. Clinton was smart enough. Clinton also never took a month "Vacation".
G.W. B. on the other hand is not smart enough since he left the details to his staff while he was on vacation in Texas. His staff done well, they run the country well..
It's now Wendsday and Clinton would have been on TV Tuesday.
On Tuesday military help should have been announced by G.W. but it was not. Now today we see the results of the decisions and work done by the staff at the White House.
4 Navy ships will arrive in Gulf by Sat. from Virginia. A hospital ship the USNS Comforf with 8 swift boats is in route from Calif.
It's not alot of action but some is better than none, good for good PR.
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas also took the stage from G.W. B. lacks leadership. He was on the TV news saying he will take 23,000 from the Superdome in New Orleans to the Astrodome in Huston, Texas. 500 buses from FEMA will be used..
7500 National Guard have been called up for duty in the Gulf. Added to the 2500 there already who are tired and growing weak. Only 31,000 Available in 17 Staes for call up..
My opinion, from my gut. 100,000 is not enough. The Gulf is about 60,000 guard short of the job..
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