More tax cuts for the wealthy in the works
The CBO predicts a $331 billion deficit by year end under GWB and the Repubs. in Congress, nice job boys and girls. You have done well lining the pockets of your wealthy contributors at the expense of the poor and working class Americans. BTW, did ya ever consider the failing infrastructure in the U.S.A.? You guys and gals.?
As i said "organized crime is alive and well in America", it's called Congress by some..
The Deficit will be $ 370 billion by 2009 year end.
By 2015 the deficit will hit $ 640 billion, our children's children will pay pay and pay.. You have mortgaged there future with tax cuts for the wealthy and chicken feed for those that work for a living.
Do the words "miserable failure" ring any bells in Congress and when will the American people wake up to the stealing and payoffs?
Hey, i got a idea for Congress. Lets spend $600 billion and invade some other country under false information and blame the C.I.A.
Another idea for Congress, lets save back about $60 billion in case we have a bad hurricane. Or hey lets steal some cash from Social Security, them old folks will never miss it.. We could steal it and call it "privatized".
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