Friday, January 27, 2006

Small minds used by Little people

Question on Yahoo,

Are there any other religions that PROMOTE killing of innocent human beings other than islam?

My Answer,
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Yes. Ours. In Iraq over 30,000 civilians have been killed. It is not known how many were "terrorist", it is known that none were Bin Laden. He is in Afghanistan not Iraq, Ooooooops, wrong Country.
BTW, the UN says it was more like 500,000 civilians since Desert Storm when Iraq surrendered.
What religions would Invade a defenseless Country, that had already surrendered?
Curious1 (unknown of course) reply,

I picked ur answer only so i could repsond.
As usual you start ranting instead of reading the question carefully and answering appropriately. My question was what RELIGION...not what country. You are so biased and indomitable that you cant read the question rationly and correctly.

Ooooooohhhhh, indomitable, am I to be impressed?
Yes I agree, I am unconquerable, thanks for the complement. The truth always finds you out.
we are done now, I have no time for those who are not well educated and do not read books and become well informed. I also have no time for those who refuse to seek out the truth.


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