Wednesday, February 08, 2006

defense means offense

Add this to your neocon space ring decoder.
When they say defense they mean offensive weapons developement. $439.3 billion for 2007. Military contractors are jumping with joy to get back the bribes they paid to neocons. CEOs are slobering at the mouth.

jack ask, "Why do neocons hate women and children?"

Curious1 said,
You know, Jack, when you say things like this it just makes people close their ears to anything you have to say. You lose any credability and it just shows how far to left you really are. You know republicans dont HATE woman and children and you just turn a bunch of people off when you say such outlandish things. The only one who will take anything you say seriously are those that already agree with you. If you want to win people over to your point of view you really need to change your strategy.
Curious1, said,
Oh Jack, so now youre quoting me. The difference between republicans and democrats is that republicans will stand up for what they believe in even if it goes agaisnt what other republicans believe in. I admire them for standing up for what they believe in, unlike the dems who will just spout party line and never go agaisnt another dem.

Curious1 said this,

You are so closed minded when it comes to the news. You say you wont watch tv but yet you get your news from where Jack? Left wing websites. Now thats fair and balanced. I despise CNN but I watch them regulary so I can get different views on issues. I dont get my news from ONE newsource like yourself.
Curious1 said this,
Thats the lie of the scare people into thinking that republicans want the elderly starving in the streets. Please...No one wants anyway starving in the street. Everyone wants the elderly taken care of and its not only insulting for you to insuate otherwise but very unpatriotic. the republicans want social security REFORMED so that in the future there will be money left in the ss fund to take care of the elderly. At the rate we are going, there will be NOTHING for the elderly. We need Social Security reform NOW.


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