Greg C wrote this
" “Hate fear and personal attacks...Soundss like what you just did by calling a republican a neo-con. Just becuase someone else has different views than you, you fear them and fight them by calling them names or asking frivilous questions such as this one in order to launch a debate to try and prove some sort of point that doesn't even exist. Try getting along with your fellow man and accepting differences of opinion. Just because people have a different view other than yours as to how they think things should be handled or taken care of doesn't mean they don't care just like it doesn't mean you don't care about your community, state or country even though you have an obvious bitternes towards others who don't think like you. So who hates fears and personally attacks who here? "
First do you know how to use the spell checker? Try it.
Next, do you ever read any History? Where was this comment when Clinton was being called every hateful name in the book and still is by most Neo_cons/Conservative/Republicans, they are filled with hatred, it rules their life. Your views are yours and you are free to have them as you wish, Just don't respect the truth if that's how you live. I respect the truth above all.
The dictator Bush has never told the truth about anything in Office and Conservatives love lies, Rush lies all the time. A Godly man would not lie with every word from his mouth as Bush does, I don't. Do you make over $300,000 per year? If yes, than you got the tax cuts you voted for not me. I am a brick layer.
BTW, do you Neocons really think the word "liberal" draws blood, hint, does not. Again you need to read some History, we lost 58,000 in Nam and it was "Liberals" who stopped that war. One of the Liberal groups was in fact the church's in America.
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