Please support wind power on the great lakes
I would think that those who oppose windmills on the Great Lakes would wake up. They need to face the real world and the problems of the burning of fossil fuels. The supply is not unlimited. Yes i know it will ruin the view out your window of the lake. It may even devalue your property investment but you need to think of the common good. Be American not just Republicans. Yes some birds will fly into them and be killed. Yes some areas will be restricted from pleasure boating and this could harm the tourist business. Are you in that business? The alternative is that the business will be harmed anyway with higher fuel cost's for your Yachts and big boats.
Yes they will be 400 feet high and yes their may be 600 of them but Wind power over water is twice that of Wind power over land. I am not happy with a Airport close by. I am not happy they took a wet land field next to me and put in apartments but I am American, I do see the common good. I also know that progress will take place even when I am dead and can not stop it. I deal with real life. not a life of, what is in this for me? Republicans need to deal with real life and be Americans first. Give up the fight to stop Alternative energy and join the “main stream” who wants to do what they can to stop Americas “thirst for oil”, sell your SUV to a Arab. Support Wind power on the Great lakes.
As a Republicans you may not understand that the Great Lakes are public property and that the public should benefit from use of that public property with lower Electric bills. I know that's a hard concept to except for you.
As Republicans you have supported drilling in ANWAR for many years, that's public property, you support giving the oil rights to Corporations. The same Corporation you own stock in would reap the profit from the use of public land. How about if we give the Wind rights to the Corporations (that you own stock in), would you then support wind power on the Great lakes? Would you give up your view?
Would you be Americans first and not just Republicans?
BTW, I am a “tree hugging” Democratic leaning liberal. The Airport cost local Tax payers $2 million and the apartments built next to me on my wet land field will bring in the investors $20,700 per month.
These apartments do block my view of the pond behind them.
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