Friday, July 21, 2006

Ohio tax cuts (for who?)

If you are a Neocon, Conservative Republican please don't read this. I already know you are not interested at all in the truth, your not into facts that can not be disputed. You also have no wish to become informed or educated on any issue. You already know everything. I also know you want to talk about gays and lesbians, flag burning and abortion. Those are your issues.
My issues are different, I seek only the truth. I also deal in facts not fiction. I live in the real world, not one of pure fantasy. In my real world I work for a living. You of course would not know anything about the real world or real work because you will always ask others to do your work for you.
So save yourself some time to play golf or take the boat out. Skip this.
In Ohio our Republicans house wants to pass a Tax cut before election time in November, why because the current lie is the same as the old lie.
The State of Ohio has a $900 million surplus and Gov. Taft wants to “give some back to Tax payers.”
Taft who can not run again because of term limits really means “give it to his wealthy friends”. Then they give it back to the Republican party. Taft is also a Republican.
The Bill sponsored by State Rep. Chuck Calvert, a Medina Republican, would drop the maximum rate on capital gains taxes from 7 percent to 3 percent over three years.
Now never mind that in all 88 counties in Ohio our public schools are faced with bankruptcy, they don't care about that, they also don't care that the High Court in the State ruled against them and ordered them to fix the school funding issue. They just ignore that order. Ignore the Judge, do nothing to fix the problems in our schools.
Also never mind that with this tax cut they have proposed no cuts in State spending to offset the drop in income, that's a detail they have also decided to ignore. That's called being “conservative”.
Some Republicans in the State House even think Debt is a good thing to have around.
Now lets look at where the tax cut money goes. Three fourths of the cuts go to the richest one percent in Ohio, they get $7164 each of three years. Almost 20 percent of that $7164 will be taken by the Federal Government in higher Federal taxes, the feds get some of the money. Good deal for the Feds.
The 40 percent of the lowest income Ohioans, with average 2007 income of $17,900, would get nothing. Yeup, nothing, Zip, Zero. The middle 20 percent, with average incomes of $40,600 will get a average of one dollar, yes $1. But that's per year.
The tax cut would take $537 million out of the State budget the first 3 years. So who gets the money, not me. I work for a living.
Calvert is so stupid he did not agree that the lowest-income families would be Zero. According to this Financial whiz “ some of these low income families could receive stock shares as inheritance and sell them with a lower tax rate”. What? Hummmm, did he really say that? Must be “liberal” propaganda.
Are people in this world really that stupid?
Governor Bob Taft has said his cuts on state income tax will let Ohioans keep $390 million of the $900 million surplus. Hey Bob, do the math, your now $27 million in give aways over the surplus. Bob lets get real, what will you cut to pay for your $390 million election year stunt?
The last two budgets years have been short and showed deficits.

BTW, in my home town parents pay $50 per child per year for school.


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