End the war, pull back to safe points
When brave Americans like Col. Hackworth, who really know war speak, I listen. Some put their head in the sand and ignore the wisdom to be found in their words. Those that do not know war and send others off to fight and die will never get it. Never. We lost 58,000 in Viet Nam because of the ignorance of those who said “stay the course” then.
As most know Republicans in Congress rejected calls for a re deployment of our troops by the end of 2007. The House and Senate leaders both lambasted Democrats for even talking about a pull out.
Calling Democrats, “defeatist”, “cut and run” and handing “Victory” to the terrorist, and so on.
Republicans were engaged in war of propaganda to pander to the core voters who still support Bu$h and the “stay the course” agenda. A small bunch of Republicans, Conservatives, Neo-Cons.
Next day fast forward, June 25,2206. Bu$h, Cheney, Rummy and their cronies are planing just that.
Turn to page two of the Conservative bias news. Not on front page. Next day.
According to a “Classified briefing”Gen. George Casey drafted a plan that projects sharp reductions in US military in Iraq by the end of 2007. From 14 combat brigades to 5 or 6 by December 2007.
A combat brigade is about 3500 troops. First cuts by December 2006. Who leaked this “Classified” information? Is that treason? As in the days of Viet Nam I guess the right hand may not know what the left hand is doing but don't bet the farm on that.
y guess would be Rummy was ordered by Bu$h to plan the draw down of troops, Rummy told Casey to do it and leak the information before next elections in Congress.
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