Friday, August 11, 2006

Terrorist known not to be in Iraq.

Stephanie, your missing the point of the two chemicals. They can be put in any container. Alone they are inert or harmless, combined they can explode. If they are in cargo they can not be mixed.
Low density chemicals can not be detected with current sniffers for Bomb chemicals.

This is not new, it just took Republicans 6 years to do something with their power and money. After all they had Flag burning to work on in Congress , Stem Cell stuff and same sex marriage, ya know.

In 1995 al-Qaida plotted to blow up 10 airliners in Asia. Bin Laden approved the method of use of liquid explosives. The plot was conceived by the Sept. 11th. Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and staged by his nephew Ramzi Yousef. The plot was foiled by a fire in their apartment in Manila.
The operation was code named “Bojinka” and 5 men were involved with the use of “contact lens solution which was in fact nitroglycerin. 12 US flights were the targets. Electronic devices were to be used to detonate.

Republicans in Government are just kinda slow on action to protect Americans. Republicans also don't like to “regulate”, “red tape” the Airline companies and Republicans prefer just to give Airlines Tax payer money.
The TSA was a way to give airlines tax payer money. The Government now pays for the TSA to provide what the airlines get paid to do. A safe flight.

More Fodder. Republicans in Ohio were quick to jump on the Terror bandwagon as their own. They attacked Ted Strickland the Democrat who is running for DeWines Senate seat saying Strickland opposed the “patriot act”, which is a half-truth. Republicans love lies and half truths. Brown who voted against the invasion of Iraq said the Iraq war has diverted billions away from Defense budget and drained our military capacity.
In Ohio Robert T. Bennett, Republican party chairman said “ Sherrod Brown has voted against funding for intelligence, the very types of programs that helped the British thwart these vicious attacks.
Bennett went on to say ”If Sherrod Brown had his way America would be less safe”. Mr. Bennett did not say how funding in the USA help the Brits “thwart”.
DeWine is toast in Ohio and they all know it.
Republican Debera Price said “our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have degraded al-Qaida, marginalized it's leaders and forced them into hiding”. In support of the Bush “stay the course”.
Republicans DeWine, Bennett and Price must not understand that the 24 real and known terrorist were arrested in the UK. Not in hiding in Iraq.


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