the contradiction rise
Italy has sent 3000 troops to Lebanon. The French will send 2000 troops. Seems to me this is a coalition of the willing. The tanks and trucks all bear the UN logo.
Bush just said in his radio address today, “Iraq is not in Civil war” according to his advisers. The US military has complained that the Media is not reporting the “good news” in Iraq, a civilian PR firm has been hired. The goal is to send a more positive message about what happens in Iraq.
In my own words the “Propaganda machine” is being turned on. November elections are more important than permitting any forms of unbiased, objective and uncensored reporting.
We now have 2643 dead and over 20,000 wounded in Iraq.
The US Defense Department issued a report to Congress saying Sectarian violence is spreading in Iraq. While at the same time illegal militias are becoming more intrenched especially in the Baghdad area.
Strickland doesn't always fit the “liberal” label. In 2004 71 percent, 2005, 77 percent. Other liberals had scores of 93.7 and 92.5 percent liberal leaning votes.
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