Friday, September 01, 2006

take a survey, if ya dare

Another survey!

I thought the idea of that survey was neat so I decided to create one of my own with questions that I'd like to ask people.

1- Color you like best.

2- Food you like a lot.

3- Do you enjoy cooking?

4- Do you have any pets? What are they?

5- If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?

6- What do you like to do for fun?

7- Do you have any kids? Names? Age?

8- Do you care about politics? If so, what issue is the most important to you?

9- What musicians do you like?

10- Name the movies you like.

11- What is your dream job?

12- What are you wearing?

13- Do you belong to any groups? If so, would you share what they are?

14- Describe your ideal mate.

15- If you, by chance, won the lottery for $10, 000 what would you spend it on?

16- Is there an after-life, and where is it?

17- Are they any gases around Uranus?

Thank you all. Post this in your blog and I'll tell you about me!


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