Friday, October 20, 2006

one mans protest

I protest, the war in Iraq. This occupation war is no longer the choice of the American people. This war will cost working class tax payers $2 trillion over ten years. This war has cost America over 2786 of bravest and best. America also has over 30,000 wounded as a result of this occupation. I do not support nation building in Iraq. I also want Defense Secretary Rumsfield to be fired for his mistakes.
I protest, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell being paid by tax payers while he is a full time candidate for Governor of Ohio. He should repay tax payers for Sept., Oct and November of 2006. He appointed another person to do his job while he was engaged in a full time campaign for Governor.
I protest, President Bush, C. Rice and D. Rumsfield for not taking action after they were given the PDB named "Terrorist determined to attack the USA". In that PDB they were all told that "terrorist would use hi j_acked commercial planes" to blow up targets in the USA. They were also all told that the "terrorist were already" in this country. There lack of any action on this PDB directly added to the event of attacks on America on Sept. 11th. They should all resign. To call the PDB a "historical document" is a insult to the intelligence of all Americans.
I protest, reading my e-mail and listening in on my phone. I also do not support arrest without charges and access to a Lawyer. I protest being taken to another country and being held far beyond what is reasonable time and the use of torture. None of this is Constitutional.
I protest, the conservative bias Supreme Court.
I protest, the agenda of giving any President absolute power over Congress and the Supreme Court, I support equal powers of all the branches. The president has no power to amend Congress in any legislation. I support the line item veto and two year term limits in Congress.
I protest, the use of electronic voting machines which are highly prone to error. I support a paper ballot system that can be audited by my representatives. I support my local representatives at my local board of elections as they have been legally appointed.I protest, the use of any poll tax. The cost of a drivers license or the 87 cents postage to return a absent voters ballot are poll taxes. They are not Constitutional. The 87 cents is paid to the United Sates Postal Service which is a government agency. The return envelope could easily be postage paid by permit.
I protest, the price of gas at $2.29 per gallon. I support federal price caps on gas. I also protest the in action by Congress to curb consumption in America. I support the use of alternative fuels.
I protest, the taking of oil from ANWAR except in times of war. Any oil taken from ANWAR should be placed in the Strategic reserve for use in time of war and as directed by the President. The oil in ANWAR now is the property of the people it should not be given to private companies to further a private companies wealth. The Strategic reserve is owned by the people.
I protest, the agenda to end Social Security by privatization. I support taking Social Security out of the Federal Budget system and treating it as a trust fund as it was intended. Congress should not be permitted to borrow from that trust fund. A 'lock box" should be adopted.
I protest, The "patriot act" which 88 Senators voted for and the President signed into law.


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