Is the Saudi King Abdulla Stupid?
Do you think Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah is stupid?
-The Saudi's control the worlds oil supply.
-The Saudis con Bush Sr. into protecting Kuwait and the Saudi oil fields. Bush Sr. cons the American tax payers into paying for Desert Storm.
-Desert Storm fails and leaves Saddam in Power.
-The Saudis con GW Bush into invasion of Iraq a second time after Iraq had surrendered, and without the UN support.
-GW Bush cons the American tax payers into paying for fixing Daddy's mistake in judgment.
- GW Bush cons Americans into thinking he is after Bin Laden in Iraq.
-Israel cons GW Bush into the invasion of Lebanon. With Israels troops of course.
-Cheney and Karl Rove and the Saudi King Abdulla con GW Bush into invading Iran.
GW Bush, Cheney, Karl Rove and the Saudis split up the Iraq, Lebanon and Iran rebuilding profits. Republicans in Congress are paid a share for the part they did in wars.
The American tax payers pick up the bill. As tax payers we get to dance after we defeat the "terrorist' and of course we get to pay the band.
It is the American tax payers that are stupid. Not the Saudi King.
OK you claim to be a Christian, you claim to be pro-life, you claim to be pro-family. You hate gays and lesbians and would kill all the so called "Islamofascist", in Gods name of course.
I am a progressive Democrat not a "Liberal" Democrat. I will vote for Democrats. For change and against the "stay the course". Democrats are our nations only hope.
In our world there are 1.3 billion that follow Islam. Would you use nukes to kill them all? I would not.
Also in our world 1.5 million children under 5 years old die each year from contaminated drinking water. You don't have a problem with that. In LAs "skid row" there are now 4000 homeless. That's a record number in LA. It's also a record number for all cities in the USA. You don't have a problem with that. You sit in your ivory tower.
You think the football game is important. Or you think the soccer game your kids are in is important.
You agree with Bush and the Republicans on every issue. You and the Republicans in Congress just passed $458 billion for defense plus another $70 billion for war in Iraq. You are the cause of a $9 trillion debt over ten years. You have forced the working class tax payers to pay the $2 trillion cost of the Republican war in Iraq. You are the problem.
You are not part of the solution to any problems. You are the very reason we are hated all over the world. You claim to be a Christian but in fact can not take care of your own kind first. Your fellow humans in the world who are also Christians. Now tell me why is it you think some Arabs hate Americans? The answer is simple, they hate arrogance and they hate greed as your only Motive.
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