Nice dodge Karl, what was that link?
My reply was this,
Does your boss know your playing with the puter while being paid to work? BTW, you won Idiot of the month, your prize is that you will be featured for the balance of your life on my blog. Your hate is really starting to have a effect on your work. No I don't love you sorry. I also do not hate any person, not even the brain dead person in the White House. BTW, Bush's grades in Texas and his grades at Yale have never been released to the public. If you have a link I would love to read that one.
Stupid is as Stupid does said this,
"I gave this one to this guy because I pity him. Maybe 10 points will help his self-esteem a little bit. Send him a nice email or something, he needs the ecouragement."
You lie than you say you pity me. What I pitty is a person like you that depends on lie to make a point. Do you have the link? The one that supports your claim that "Bush got higher grades at Yale".
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