Friday, February 10, 2006

what to do about Social Security

fund it, keep it, reform= code word subterfuge for end.
reform= code word for private-tize, for profit.
I would like for those in Washington to stop stealing form the trust fund. Both sides have done so.
Take it out of the budget and really put it in a “lock Box” as some have said.
Let Average Americans buy the IOUs that Congress has given the S.S. Trust fund now with cash. Same as selling stock. Same as Government G.I. bonds. Except no commission to brokers and no fees. $10 mini investment, would help single moms. That is reform.
What the neocons want is Broker Commissions on stock investments by all. They see it as a new market. Privatized=profitable.
If we take out the one person who pays in the system will end. They have de-funded the system. Neocons have that goal. Allowing that one young person more “freedom” to pay commissions to the brokers. More “freedom” to manage there own investments. Then when they fail at the investments S.S. Will be gone and the Commissions they paid will be also. Neocons hate it when the Government competes with them for control of the Money. They also hate it when the Government puts a cap on their new markets.
Some who own a business and pay 15.7 percent S.S. Tax. 7.35 percent as employer and 7.35 percent as the only Employee.
If S.S. Had not been robbed in the past we would not have a problem with the “baby boomers”now.


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