Sunday, May 14, 2006

Are you one who falls for PR stunts?

We all know Neocons never govern by polls, right, right. According to them they do what's right for America, they never wag the DOG.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he supported using the National Guard on the Mexican border. He said lawmakers who doubt that the National Guard, whose members have served for years in Iraq and went to the Gulf Coast after last summer's hurricanes, could take on border patrol duty are "whining" and "moaning."

"We've got to secure our borders," Frist said on CNN's "Late Edition." "We hear it from the American people. We've got millions of people coming across that border. First and foremost, secure the border, whatever it takes. Everything else we've done has failed. We've got to face that. And so we need to bring in, I believe, the National Guard."

Just another PR stunt that many will fall for, they seem to be getting scared about the mid-term elections in Congress, wonder why?
Majority Leader Frist does not seem to understand the laws of our Country very well, It is illegal for National Guard troops under fedearal control to be used for border control.


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