Sunday, May 14, 2006

where can i buy Ethanol now?

We have the technology right here, right now to move away from high-priced gasoline. We can build a battery powered car that can recharge overnight on household current. And we have the technologyto begin to create enough alternate bio-fuels to significantly reduce oil imports.
So what's standing in the way?
Economics and politics, say experts.
Building a new auto plant cost's $300 to $600 million. We as tax payers will spend $2 trillion in Iraq over the next ten years. Politics has in fact set the wrong priorities for Government spending. In the USA 45 million Americans have no basic Health Care insurance and half that number are women and children. Politics has decided that Iraq gets public funds and Americans suffer with no basic Health care insurance.
Now you can call me Liberal all you want, shout it from the highest hill but this is just wrong.

America is headed in the wrong direction under the Republican dictatorship not leadership of this Congress and this president. In their mind they really think what harm they have done to America is good for America.
Republicans also know that short term gain for them is the prime objective of the agenda they have in place. As a result of the war in Iraq defense contractors are doing very well, check out Halliburton stock, Republicans are making lots of return on investment. Now they got $70 billion in tax cuts on investments as well. The double dip.

There is a way to end this dictatorship it can be taken down, it's called voting. Those that voted for the Republican agenda and for Bu$h dictatorship would vote that way again now if they could. They agree with the agenda. Short term financial gain for them hangs in the balance. Greed motivates them.

Those of us who do not agree are “the problem” for these Neocons and their agenda. We need to be silenced, we need to be ridiculed until we go away and just give up. We need to be discredited as a nut case conspiracy theorist.
Steps are being taken now to deal with the “problem”, they have 10s of millions of phone records, they can take a picture of my back yard and tell you what's on the grill cooking. They track my cell phone.
How long will it take before the “problem” and the “Terrorist” become one by association? How long will it take FOX news to effect the melting of these two groups into one.


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