what would you do?
According to my copy of the United States Constitution Congress has oversight power over the President and the Military who serve the President. I believe in the past 6 years that rule of law has been circumvented and is in fact no longer the case.
To many times the “I can not answer that on record it is a matter of National Security” as the standard reply to questions of oversight by Congress.
All in Congress took a solemn oath “to protect and defend the Constitution” with their right hand on the Bible and as they pledged “so help me God”.
Congress shuns that solemn oath. Those in Congress with oversight of the President and the Military now need to do their sworn duty in oversight. If they do not, then they are subject to recall.
Members of Congress have the highest security clearances in Government. There are no questions that they may have that can not be answered. None. I also believe that “no reply” at all is the same shun of the duty of any public servant to respond promptly to Congress's questions. Check Rumsfeld, back log of many and repeated request for information made by Congress.
History has shown us that the military must be held in check by Congress the lawful representatives of the people. History has also shown us that the military often lies. The military also will conceal the real truth, hoping it will never come out or come out after the fact.
The Conservative media also can not be trusted to bring out the truth, they are controlled by the owners and stock holders. Motivated by the need for ratings and advertisers. Not objective or effective.
Sept. 11th. was in fact the greatest failure of our Government to protect Americans in the History of our Republic. If the republic were a corporations the failures would already have been fired. It's time come November, time to “throw the bums out”. Government knew the 19 Saudis were in this country, they knew that “they would use hi jacked planes in attacks” in the USA. The PDB was plain and given to the President and the military. Yet the military was not prepared, rather they were not sure if the attack was even real or part of the drill they had planned. The FAA was not prepared. The military had planes out of position to protect Washington and New York. Bush was in Florida reading a book up side down to children and even kept reading after he was told about the attack, his remark later was “when i saw the second plane hit, i thought, I was a pilot and he's not much of a pilot”. Later Bush got on a plane for the nearest safe military base. Cheney and Rice were both in Washington, in bunkers underground while Richard Clark ran the situation room at the White House for Cheney and Rice. Clark was armed with a sidearm. Cheney and Rice told Clark to take over the situation room. According to Clark.
In war no power on Earth can win or even fight without oil. Arabs control most of the worlds oil now. Republicans are talking of tapping the Strategic oil reserves and new drilling in ANWAR. This would be a grave mistake, we should ration or conserve now. We should not tap the reserves.
We still do not check all in coming shipping cargo containers. Arabs still own and manage our major shipping ports. We also have not began to secure our borders. We need more border agents now.
Sending Guard troops is a stunt by republicans to make Americans think they are doing something.
Guard troops and State police should be given border police powers to arrest and detain, then deport.
Local police should also have the power to arrest and detain illegals. Republicans should not have stopped the Democrats from putting more cops in every major city as they in fact did.
We as Americans spend $500 billion per year on defense. Don't tell Americans that the Government and the people can not use Ethanol, we are the greatest innovators on Earth bar none. Even at the 10 percent mix that is much better than no reduction at all in our consumption of oil. Why do we refine “high test” no one uses it but it steals capacity for regular? Jet Fuel also steals capacity for auto fuel. Congress should take a leadership position for a change and pass real meaningful Laws to protect consumers and the public from this price fixing by the oil companies.
Americans need to park the SUVs and the older V8 junkers that get less than 10 mpg. City. Short of rationing Congress could tax them at $600 per year off the highway now. Funds used to promote public transportation in major cities. All auto drive thrus should also be taxed the same since they waste fuel.
Now is the time to rise up as one voice, one will of the people. One common goal. In November we have a choice. The choice is complex yet simple. Are we as a nation of Godly people willing to allow the Government to keep going down the same path of failure? Are we willing to except failure? Do we really find the USA is now safer than it was 6 years ago? We have 22 million illegals in the USA, some say more. God only knows how many are in fact terrorist.
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