Sunday, September 03, 2006

The dream ends here

In Ohio, Strickland doesn't always fit the “liberal” label. In 2004 71 percent, 2005, 77 percent. Other liberals had scores of 93.7 and 92.5 percent liberal leaning votes.
Many Voters remain dissatisfied with Bush and the Republican control of Congress. Most new national polls indicate a shark like feeding frenzy up to the November elections. Even the conservative bias news media is jumping the “ship of fools” called incumbents. The “stay the course” supporters have a seemingly brain dead mentality that America “is just fine” and we should keep going down the same dream like road as charted by Rush Limbaugh and Carl Rove who dream out loud, while snoring.
In the house of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, a liberal feminist, from San Francisco, Calif. will replace Dennis Hastert, a loyal Bush yes man. This has got to be Rush's worse nightmare.
On the energy and Commerce Committee, John Dingell will replace Joe Barton. Barton is a loyal oil man and ultra- conservative. Dingell is a new deal style liberal who supports strong Government regulation.
On the Financial Services Committee. Barney Frank will replace Michael Oxley a free market Ohio conservative and a Bush yes man. Frank is a liberal From Mass. who believes in using law to reduce inequality and in expanding affordable housing, Internet taxation and workers rights.
On the Judiciary Committee, John Conners Jr. will replace F. James Sensenbrenner. Conners is a former civil rights activist.
In the U.S, Senate
The Majority leader Bill First has decided to retire. He will be replaced by Harry Reid, of “give em hell Harry” dot Com fame. A tart tongue Bush critic. Lawyer, former boxer, and a Mormon. And get this he has “conservative social views” that sometimes take a backseat to the will of his party.
On the Armed Services Committee, Carl Leven will replace John Warner. Carl Leven has called for phased troop withdrawal in Iraq and criticized defense spending. Leven is a former Navy Secretary.
On the Environment Committee, James Jeffords will replace James M. Inhofe. Jeffords is a Vermont Independent. Inhofe doubts Global warming as bad science and Jeffords is the lead Democrat in the fight to require power plants, automobiles and business's to reduce emissions.
On the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jay Rockefeller will replace Pat Roberts. Roberts has blocked strong oversight of the CIA and the Bush investigation of pre war intelligence. Rockefeller wants more vigorous oversight of the CIA and has criticized the intelligence that lead up to the war. He also questions the legality of the Bush/NSA eavesdropping.
Yes this November election is very important. We must vote for the common good of the country. Not just vote “the Party” as was the case in the last two elections.
We must also insist that our votes are counted this time for a change.

Bush has dropped his plan to sell 300,000 acres of tax payer owned national forest for $800 million. He could not get the support of Larry Craig or Ron Wyden for the scheme.
Democrats will press to get out of Iraq. They have a exit plan which Bush has lacked form the start. They will not be deterred by the charges of being “traitors” and “aiding and obbeting the enemy”.
Many Americans have been down this road before with the same tactics they used in debate about Viet Nam. They were wrong then and are wrong now. The IED, Monkey like and cowardly warfare in Iraq can not be won. Iraq is in Civil war now, the Republicans dream it's not truth.
We are not safer now then we were before Sept. 11th., the Republicans dream it's not truth.
The investigation by Congress into the Bush administration will rival that of Nixon and Clinton. The Republicans dream it's not truth.
Democrats will raise the minimum wage, Tax cuts for top earners and multi-million dollar inheritances will be overturned for new income to balance the rise of the deficit. Oil company tax breaks will end and the airline companies will be stopped from taking tax payer money to pay for the cost of a service they sell for a profit. The Republicans dream it's not truth, while they snore out loud.


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