Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sept. 11th. was a failure not a victory for the USA

Sept. 11th. was the greatest failure of our Government to protect Americans in Our history. Bush was told by PDB that arabs would attack the USA, he was told by PDB that they would use comm. aircraft, he was told they were in the USA. Why blame Clinton for what Bush did not take action to prevent?
Sept. 10th. New poll. Bush support at all time low. 38 percent. Support for the war in Iraq at 36 percent a all time low since America invaded Iraq in 2003.
Bush should give more speeches.
The following are members of the Ohio Legislature. All Republicans. They would not answer questions by the local Media about issues in the November elections, they cited as reasons, “we don't do polls”, “we have a voting record” and “we don't like YES, NO questions”. Do not vote for any of these who are running for office, they want you to buy a pig in a poke and they think you have no right to ask them what there positions are on any issues. These legislature members do not represent the people of Ohio. They represent the republicans in Ohio.
Ohio House Legislature, House speaker, Jon A. Husted, Charles Blasdel, Jim Carmichael, David D. Daniels, Kevin DeWine, Matthew J. Dolan, Diana M. Foster, Ron Hood, James M. Hoops, Randy Law, Ross McGregor, Scott Oelslager, Tom Raga, Jim Raussen, Steve Reinhard, Michelle G. Schneider, Mary Taylor.
Ohio Senate Legislature, President Bill M. Harris, Jeffrey Armbruster, Steve Austria, Patrica Clancy, Jeff Jacobson, Larry A. Mumper, Robert F. Spada.

The questions that were ask and answered were as follows.
Do you support raising the State Minimum wage to at least $6.85 per hour.?
44 Democrats said YES, only 15 Republicans said YES, and 41 Republicans said NO.
A whopping 91 In Ohio legislature answered YES that Ohio's 8 year term limits should be extended or eliminated. Saying YES were 45 Democrats and 46 Republicans. They want to keep the job they have now. The odds of winning the lottery are 5.2 million to one. The odds of winning the lottery twice are one in 3,669,120,000,000. That's a big number.

Ohio rep. Sherrod Brown gave the Democrats response to Bush Saturday radio speech. Brown “Five years after Sept. 11th. America is not nearly as safe as we can be and we must be”.
Brown is the Ohio Senate candidate that will un seat Mike Dewine in November.
Brown also said “many of the Sept. 11th commission recommendations have been haphazardly implemented or ignored by the Republicans in Congress.”

Republicans George V. Voinovich and Mike DeWine boasted that they were responsible for securing Ohio defense projects worth Billions. The two represent only 2 percent of the Senate votes.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich said “Bush's plan would do nothing to rein in the CIA tactics, in addition if military tribunals are set up, then as president Bush would become cop, prosecutor the judge and the jury in any tribunal”. My own words follow. This is the slippery slope of the Nazi Hitler.

One to two million Medicare beneficiaries can expect a increase in there Medicare premium. Individuals with incomes exceeding $80,000 and married couples with incomes exceeding $160,000
will see the increase. Those with incomes of over $200,000 will see the increase in 2009. The premium is now only $89.50 per month. Bush will announce the 2007 premium this month. A 2003 law passed by Congress to provide prescription drug benefit coverage also include this increase.


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