In Ohio Kenneth Blackwell wants to lease the Ohio Turnpike to a private company. He claims that will produce $500 million for schools in Ohio. I recall when we were told that the lottery would fund the schools, then after we passed the gambling approval they switched the funds into the general Fund. This is nothing more than another Republican ploy to make stupid people think he is doing something.
The income for the Ohio Turnpike now goes into the general fund and a private company does not take out any profit. This idiot thinks voter are stupid to fall for this crap.
Blackwell also wants to require all schools to spend 65 cents of every dollar in income on classroom instruction, now theres a first. Idiot, the income is now from Property taxes and the Ohio courts have ruled that method un-constitutional. What part of that ruling is it that you don't get? Are you saying 65 cents of every State Dollar? Or 65 cents of every dollar from property taxes?
In a recent Governors race Columbus dispatch poll Democrat Ted Strickland has 52 percent and leads over Republican Blackwell with only 33 percent. In Ohio also Democrat Sherrod Brown leads with 47 percent over incumbent Republican Mike DeWine with 42 percent for The Senate seat. Only 11 percent are undecided. This race could go Republican since most undecided are Republicans who will vote party but do not want to admit that fact.
Sept. 9-27 1791 registered voters were polled. In the 2004 election 850 voted for GW Bush and 551 for John Kerry. There were 854 males and 895 females. Blacks were only 115 and whites 1593, other races were 38. 465 were union households and 1278 from non-union households. 275 made over $90,000 per year and 417 made less than $30,000 per year. A full 56 percent of those who had incomes of less than $30,000 would vote for the Democrat Sherrod Brown. 33 percent of that same group would vote for Mike DeWine, the Republican. Only 12 percent remain undecided in this group. Of those who had incomes of over $90,000 per year 54 percent would vote for Mike DeWine, the Republican and only 37 percent would vote for the Democrat Sherrod Brown. Only 9 percent remain undecided.
My words follow. This is our problem. The 33 percent that make less than $30,000 per year must be brain dead also the 12 percent undecided are not playing with a full deck. Why would these people not know Mike DeWine has done nothing to make their life better, nothing. These are Democrats. Right?
Or are they Republicans who make less than $30,000 per year?
Ohio has been under Republican control for 12 years past. Blackwell was Secretary of State when Bush was appointed President by the bias supreme court and it was Blackwell who had a hand in throwing out 357,000 votes in Ohio when Bush was awarded the State with a 118,601 margin. Most of the votes thrown out were in Democratic precincts. Also Democratic precincts had the highest reports of voting machine failures and long lines to vote.
In Iraq 35 were killed by yet another car bomb. 24 of them Women and girls. All badly burned up when they stood in line to get heating fuel. 26 of the 36 wounded were also Women. The bomb was a retaliation for a Shiite militia attack on Sunnis. Senator DeWine. What part of “civil war” is it that you don't understand? Bush. When Sunnis kill Shiites and both are Iraq people is that not civil war?
More than one third of the 184,000 service members who served in Iraq or/and Afghanistan seek medical treatment at VA hospitals. A full 35 percent are for Mental Disorders. In 2005 and 2006 and 2007 post traumatic stress disorders will require $600 million.
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