Thursday, November 16, 2006

Welcome to the real world.

Welcome to the real world. Take a step back from the make believe world. This will come as a shock to those who have said the economy is great. It may be great for Rush Limpwade and Sean Hannity. But here's the shocker for them. There are people in New Orleans who do not own a car or have a credit
card. Rush does not seem to be missing any meals. I live in the real world. In Ohio an estimates 12.6 percent of Ohioans went hungry in 2003-2005. That's 1 in every 8 people. That's a increase of 11.4 percent from 2002-2004. According to the department of Agriculture report just out. The Feds. call it "food Insecurity" but for Faith Mission who served 24,000 meals last month they call it "hungry".
According to the annual "household food security" report the rate has been climbing since the late 1990s. There were 33 States worse off than Ohio in 1996-1998. 28 states were worse off in 2000-2002.
Just 12 are worse off than Ohio in 2003-2005. Ohio is racing to the bottom of the list.
For some the economy is great. The children going to bed hungry just do not agree.

(2006 Copyright DoucheBag Carl Calisnikov)


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