Will Democrats follow Dr. Kings example?
All the really big stars were out today. President Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. G.W. Bush also showed up. I like to give credit when it's due. Him and Clinton showed up and talked before a crowd of 5000 blacks. They were all there to calibrate the opening of
$100 million "King Memorial" in Washington. The first Memorial dedicated to a black man.
I think it's about time. I agree with Bush's words. "Today we see only these open acres, yet we know when the work is done, the King Memorial will be a fitting tribute, powerful and hopeful and poetic, like the man it honors. As we break ground we remember the obstacles that Dr. King overcame and the courage that transformed American history."
Who writes this stuff. That is very good. Well read also by Bush.
Now I ask you this. Why did it take so long for this man to be honored in Washington?. The people have honored Dr. Kings memory for many, many years now.
I also ask you this. If Dr. King were alive today. What would he say to all Americans about the occupation of Iraq? Would he be silent and not call it what it is a occupation? Would he call it "the war on terror"? I don't think he would. Dr. King had one thing most Americans lack, that one thing is real courage to speak out against what they know deep down inside themselves is wrong in America.
Dr. King was real. He was part of this world not a make believe world of fantasy. Dr. King took up real issues and faced them.
In this past election Democrats all over this great country followed Dr. Kings example. Exit polls indicated that the number one issue for voters was Iraq. Many have said the "majority" of the people in this country think that America is headed in the wrong direction. Democrats took the House and the Senate. Now the question is. Do Democrats have the courage to do what voters put them in office to do.
They must speak out against the occupation of Iraq. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Senator John Murtha, Senator John Kerry, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obamba. Governor Ted Strickland in Ohio and Senator Sherrod Brown in Ohio. Are you up to the task.? Will you follow the example of Dr. King's courage.?
We Democrats now have been called every name in the book. Some Democrats bring fear to the hearts of every Republican. We have earned capital in this election now we should spend it.
Democrats should fire the first shot for change. We give Bush confirmation of Robert Gates as the new Defense Secretary and Bush and Republicans give us a date certain for the end of the occupation of Iraq. Yes, this stand will take courage, Yes, there will be more name calling. Yes, the risk of hurting the 2008 Presidential race is there, all real concerns. The question is. Will we follow the example of Dr. Kings courage? Change will not come if we are not willing to spend the capital we earned.
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