Sunday, November 12, 2006

I get this from a person who claims to be smarter than others.

"Probably because you are a coward or a subsversive non-patriot. Douche, Personally, I'd bet you're both. I hope you choke to death while you sleep."

Your pal,

BTW, This idiot was the same idiot who claims to have worked in the news paper bussiness and claims his work (yahoo questions property) has copywrite. He is also the same person who told me he would take this blog from me. That has not happen yet.
Now he claims to be a vet also.
I have 1724 answers with 179 best or 10 percent, the idiot above has only 856 answers with 60 or 6 percent best, Carl is not very smart.. Only Republicans like him will resort to words like "coward", "non-patiot", and "subversive", that's all they know is hate. Hate is there way of life. They do this while they claim to be smarter.
hey carl, you called me three names then said "both". You also spelled subversive wrong. Did you sleep in High school? ha ha ha ha ha, what a Idiot.


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