Friday, November 03, 2006

Yes, we did work very hard.

Dear Jack,
There are less than 100 more hours until America votes. And despite George Bush's assertion that he is the "decider," the American voters are the real deciders.
Thanks to all that you have done, our PAC for a Change community has been front and center in this election. In the past two years, our PAC community has contributed more than $1.2 million to good Democratic candidates in key races across America, and along the way we have circulated petitions and strongly advocated for change -- change in Iraq, change in our failing foreign policy, change in our voting system, and change in our nation's priorities.
Here are just a few of the things we've accomplished together:
Thanks to your generosity, PAC for a Change has contributed more than $350,000 to deserving candidates and state party organizations
PAC for a Change online community members have directly contributed more than $850,000 to more than 25 different House and Senate candidates -- including nearly $160,000 to Claire McCaskill in Missouri and more than $125,000 to Jim Webb in Virginia
More than 109,000 people signed our petition calling for an exit strategy in Iraq; 104,000 Americans urged President Bush to nominate a new UN Ambassador; 75,000 Americans appealed to Lincoln Chafee to oppose John Bolton; 60,000 told President Bush to stop his illegal wiretaps...
I am so very proud of all the work that we have done together. We are clearly a force to be reckoned with! But now, in these last 4 days, it's time to dig deeper, push harder, and ensure a sweeping victory that will help us change America for years to come.

In Solidarity,
Barbara Boxer

Thanks Barbara, "it's hard work", hugs Jack


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