Friday, February 10, 2006

Abortion right or wrong?

great question. Men are not very smart. They are sometimes not smart enough to use a condom.
Abortion is a issue neocons use to divide one American against another. Also to divide men against women. The simple fact is that you (we) can not legislate morality. Nor can you legislate good common sense. There are those that want to do just that. IE. Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. The Moral "Majority".

We have far tooo many Laws and far too many lawyers in Washington. If Abortion were made illegal the black market would just step in and provide the service for a fee. Or some would go to Mexico or Canada and get one.
Those that claim they want to unite America in fact want to divide it, they use abortion as a means to that goal. We all need to use good common sense. The Morning after pill will be sold in this country, either legally or ill-legally. I do not agree with that but we are powerless to stop the market of that pill. We are powerless because Corporations own Congress.
read the comment below for a very wise opinion.


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