Hurricane Katrina
Huricane Katrina,
House Inquiry. Feb. 12th, 2006
Overall, the House report said, the federal government's response to Katrina was marked by "fecklessness, flailing and organizational paralysis."
"Our investigation revealed that Katrina was a national failure, an abdication of the most solemn obligation to provide for the common welfare," said a summary of the scathing report obtained Sunday by The Associated Press.
"At every level  individual, corporate, philanthropic, and governmental  we failed to meet the challenge that was Katrina," the report concluded.
On another subject. Sept. 11th. was the greatest failure of our government in the History of our country. Bar none. Over 3000 innocent, good Americans lost there life as a result of this failure. The Law suits filed will not bring back the lost.
There are many questions still longing for the truth. Also many relatives and friends of those lost still long for the truth. Given the fact that our Government has a long history of lies, we may never know.
It is wrong, it is not Godly and it is a shame that some in politics would use Sept. 11th. as a means to further there own agenda. To do that is to spit on the graves of those who lost there life.
Neocons in the White House have used this failure by our Government as a means to a goal.
A real American would never agree with this ploy.
Neocons are saying " we are post 9-11 " and they are not patriots", "we are fighting the 9-11 terrorist in Iraq". Iraq had nothing to do with Sept.11th. and Bin Laden is in Afghganistand not Iraq. What makes these types think that any Terrorist would stand and fight in Iraq face to face with our service men? Terrorist do there dirty work behind the backs of Americans, never face to face.
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