Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I Did not get this from FOX news

Sept 6th, 2006
Blackwell and Strickland had the first gubernatorial race debate. Ted Strickland remains the front runner in the race. Blackwell the Republican supports Bush war in Iraq. Strickland favors soft time tables for withdrawing our troops.

Republicans have been in Control of Ohio for 16 years. Blackwell said tax cuts “jump Started” the economy and since then 29,700 new jobs have been added. He did not mention 10,000 of Ohio's best jobs in Manufacturing have been lost under republicans.

Bush gave a speech before a paid crowd again. He made the address before “The Military Officers Association of America”. In the closed event to prevent any protesters. Bush said “pulling out of Iraq would make Osama Bin Laden a global threat on the order of Adolf Hitler.” Carl Roves words were also echoed by Rummy and Cheney, the PR machine is on the big bucks roll in the full press mode for the next November elections. Propaganda is what Carl Rove is about. Carl Rove is not about facts.
Someone needs to tell Rove that Bin Laden and Al-Qaida are not in Iraq they are in Afghanistan. Rove should consider this fact when he writes speeches for Bush, Cheney and Rummy to read.
Who falls for this crap?

A state of emergency is still in effect in Iraq now 2 years old. The Iraqi Parliament just extended it for another month because of sectarian violence. Iraq is in fact in civil war. Someone needs to tell Rove this fact so he can consider it in the speech's he writes.

We now have 2657 dead and over 20,000 wounded. In Iraq. We lost 58,000 in Nam.

On Sept. 6th. 2006. History was made in Lebanon. Lebanese troops replaced Israeli troops in five villages. They moved into the center of the Hezbollah strongholds. The UN will have 15,000 troops there very soon as peace keepers.
WOW, this sounds like a plan. The Israeli forces are replaced by Nationals and UN forces to keep the peace. I wonder if this would work in Iraq. Since the US General, Casey, there just said “the Iraqi force's are 75 ready to take over security”, then we would only need to provide 25 percent UN troops and a few Iraqi nationals to leave. Would this be a “Soft Time Table”?

Sept. 11th workers in poor health. Doctors said that 70 percent of workers who showed up after the towers collapse have breathing problems, they were exposed to asbestos, pulverized concrete, mercury and other toxins. In a National emergency would not the National guard be called in quickly. They should have been the ones going into Ground Zero with protective masks and oxygen tanks. Some would say that the mayor was at fault for sending in crews without protective gear, or some might say that Bush should have ordered the site a military area of contamination, who knows?.

The Minimum wage issue has won enough supporters to get on the Ohio Ballot in November, thank God. I signed it. We want it up from $5.15 to $6.85. In five other States it's over $8 and they have not reported and “big layoffs” or lack of new hires. Legalized slot machines also made the ballot on a effort by Organized crime to get into businesses in Ohio. I will vote NO on that effort to increase crime.
In Ohio On the minimum wage ballot issue, over half the signatures were thrown out by Republican operatives who oppose the increase for the Restaurant industry, the bribes flow.
The National Federation of independent businesses “the restaurant industry” said “this is not a message you want to send to prospective businesses”. What they mean is the low paying employers who want to earn more profits from exploiting low wage workers. Republicans tried a feel good measure to halt the ballot issue, they proposed a increase to $5.15 the same as the federal level it is now, nice try.


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