Saturday, November 04, 2006

He' has been there, he knows truth..

sgtyetzir said this on yahoo,
I'm enlisted in the military, and I've been on four Active Duty tours to both Iraqi and Afghan combat theaters. First thing is first, Terrorism is an idea, not an enemy. You cannot defeat or kill an idea with military force. The US Military is a powerful force indeed, but it cannot be used to fight an idea. Put the US military against any organized military force, we will prevail as the victors. But history will tell us that inferior and unorganized forces will always resort to some type of terrorism; ie: guerrilla tactics, hit and run attacks. The insurgency in Iraq could never win a frontal, organized battle against the US military, and they know this. That is why they are fighting us the way they are.

support the troops this Christmas at this link


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