Tuesday, February 21, 2006

facts are facts, turn off FOX news and read

Everyone knows Republicans are better for the economy than Democrats, right?
Well, in the reality-based community that looks at the inconvenient facts, it simply isn’t true. Democrats have outperformed Republicans in every meaningful way.

This is not economic theory, or Voodoo, the numbers are out there and can be examined by anyone.

From 1962 to 2001 presidents have prepared forty budgets. Control of the White House was evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats with each party preparing and submitting twenty budgets. The results?

The twenty years of budgets prepared by Republican presidents increased the national debt by $3.8 trillion. The average yearly deficit under Republican budgets was $190 billion.
The twenty years of budgets prepared by Democratic presidents increased the national debt by $719.5 billion. The average yearly deficit under Democratic budgets was $36 billion.
Big Government
Under the 20 years of Republican administrations the number of non-defense government employees rose by 310,000.
Under the 20 years of Democratic administrations, the number of non-defense government employees rose by 59,000.
Of the 369,000 employees added between 1962 and 2001, 84% were added under Republican administrations and 16% were added under Democratic administrations.
Economic Growth
For the twenty years for which Republican presidents submitted budgets, the average rate of GDP growth was 2.94%.
For the twenty years in which Democratic presidents submitted budgets, the average rate of GDP growth was 3.92%.
For the twenty years in which Republican Presidents submitted a budget, the unemployment rate averaged 6.75%.
For the twenty years in which Democratic Presidents submitted a budget, the unemployment rate averaged 5.1%.
For the twenty years in which Republican presidents submitted a budget, the inflation rate averaged 4.96%.
For the twenty years in which Democratic presidents submitted a budget, the inflation rate averaged 4.26%.
For the twenty years of Republican submitted budgets the average percentage growth of total Federal spending was 7.57%
For the twenty years of Democratic submitted budgets the average percentage growth of total Federal spending was 6.96%.
Non-Defense Spending
For the twenty years of Republican submitted budgets the average growth rate of Federal non-defense spending was 10.08%.
For the twenty years of Democratic submitted budgets the average growth rate of Federal non-defense spending was 8.34%. Federal non-defense spending was 8.34%.

More information: "http://www.sideshow.connectfree.co.uk/JustForTheRecord.htm"


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