Friday, December 01, 2006

What is the new Direction of Congress?

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Bush is showing no signs of "working with Democrats" if he is I don't see them. Bush is also showing no signs of any "compromise" with the newly elected Democrats. Is this what Bush calls "working together"?
Now he is asking Congress for another $100 billion for Iraq. This would be In addition to the $70 billion already approved by Congress last year. Also it is in addition to the $498 billion approved for defense spending in 2007. We are "not going to do anything to limit funding or cut off funds", said Senate Democratic leader (D) N., Harry Reid. Democrats fear being cast as unsympathetic or nonsupporting of U.S. Troops. Now I ask you. Would Republicans really do that? Would they accuse Democrats of not supporting the troops in Iraq? Vietnam cost $663 billion when adjusted for inflation to todays dollars. Iraq has cost American Tax payers $350 billion so far. We have over 30,000 wounded and 2885 dead.
I have a plan for Iraq. Since Bush has said over and over "what is the Democrats plan?" Now here it is for Bush and all Republicans to see. Pull Out Now. Simple enough for even Bush to understand.
To withdraw now is not to "cut and run" as Bush and the war mongers try to paint it. To withdraw from the occupation of Iraq is the part of the Bush war plan that was missing from the start. A exit plan. Colin Powel knows this, he is not stupid.
Americans should pull back into the North and defend the Kurds. All Sunii should move South. Or be forced South. Food and water distribution could be used to lure Sunii South, easy. This would leave Baghdad in Shiite control. If the Sunii all move South then the killing in Central Iraq would stop dead. Our troops could train Iraqis in Northern Iraq and mount a quick strike approach to sectarian violence if that breaks out. Since about 635,000 Iraqis civilians are dead and 450,000 have went to Jordan to live this should not be all that hard to accomplish.
What do you do when 3 kids can not get along. You make them sit apart. Anyone with half a brain knows this. I wounder if our leaders understand this?
The Kurds want the oil money, the Shiites want the oil money, the Sunii's want the oil money. So divide it 3 ways. A per capita income should be given each group but only if they go to there corner and sit down and only if they play nice. A Census should be taken.
NBC now calls Iraq as being in "Civil War", a first for conservative bias TV. No Conservative Bias TV news is calling it what it really is "The occupation of Iraq", they all use the PC term "war on Terror". Or the PC term "The Iraq war". As far as I know Congress authorized the use of force to look for WMD and get rid of Saddam. Congress has not declared war on Iraq and has not authorized the occupation of Iraq.


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