the rich create the jobs
Lets take a trip back in time to 2004. More than 132 million Americans filed tax returns for that year.
This is the breakdown according to the I.R.S. A full 99.5 percent had adjusted Federal income of below $500,000. Only 0.5 percent had adjusted Federal Income of above $500,000. 582,213 made between $500,000 and $2 million. 65,548 made between $2 million and $5 million. Only 15,835 made between $5 million and $10 million. Only 9677 made more than $10 million. A full 90 percent of all reported adjusted Federal Income was for less than $100,000.
Some have said “the rich create the jobs”. Why tax the rich Higher?
The answer is simple and in most peoples minds should make perfect and logical sense. The rich do not create jobs in America. It is in fact Innovation and investment that creates the jobs. Granted the rich do play a part in the investment side for sure. The rich do invest in the Innovation of others and the rich do invest in the stock market. Some call that work. I call it speculation in the innovation of others and investment in the work done by others.
A police officer works 43 hours for $1000. A High school teacher works 43 hours for $1000. A G.P. Doctor works 13 hours and 5 mins. For $1000. Howard Stern “works” 24 seconds for $1000.
Dr. Phil McGraw “works” 2 mins. And 42 sec. For $1000. Brad Pitt “works” 4 mins. And 48 secs. For his $1000. I don't know about you but I would tax the rich higher before taxing those who that really work for a living each day of their life.
I worked hard all of my life. I know what the Government took from me as a result of my own hard work and sacrifice. I put up with a lot of crap from the wealthy owners and managers of a small company. I know first hand how much work the owners actually did while they were being paid. Mostly they just sat at there desk in a plush office and read magazines or “The Wall street journal” or they planed the next vacation or the next social affair. At “work” they would often balance there own personal check book or make personal calls to friends and relatives to pass the time. When it came to real work they would always find someone like me to do it for them. I knew how to do the work and they only knew that someone other than them had to do it.
The Company I worked for went from less than $1 million in gross annual sales to $26 million in the 23 years I was there. A salesman at this company for over 9 years made about $100,000 a year. I made about $20,000 a year average for all of my time there. In the end I was thrown out laid off and the Salesman walked away with $1 million at the time of sale of the company. I never saw the salesman do anything close to real work in all his 9 years.