Tuesday, November 21, 2006

is the ACLU really evil as Republicans say?

“I don’t want it, we shouldn’t have had it, not interested in it,” said Daniel J. Baur, the acting director of the counterintelligence field activity unit, which runs the Talon program at the Defense Department. “I don’t want to deal with it.”
Mr. Baur said that those operating the database had misinterpreted their mandate and that what was intended as an antiterrorist database became, in some respects, a catch-all for leads on possible disruptions and threats against military installations in the United States, including protests against the military presence in Iraq.
“I don’t think the policy was as clear as it could have been,” he said. Once the problem was discovered, he said, “we fixed it,” and more than 180 entries in the database related to war protests were deleted from the system last year. Out of 13,000 entries in the database, many of them uncorroborated leads on possible terrorist threats, several thousand others were also purged because he said they had “no continuing relevance.”
Amid public controversy over the database, leads from so-called neighborhood watch programs and other tips about possible threats are down significantly this year, Mr. Baur said. While the system had been tightened, he said he was concerned that the public scrutiny had created “a huge chilling effect” that could lead the military to miss legitimate terrorist threats.
Mr. Baur was responding to the latest batch of documents produced by the military under a Freedom of Information Act request brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups. The A.C.L.U. planned to release the documents publicly on Tuesday, and officials with the group said they would push for Democrats, newly empowered in Congress, to hold formal hearings about the Talon database.
Ben Wizner, a lawyer for the A.C.L.U. in New York, said the new documents suggested that the military’s efforts to glean intelligence on protesters went beyond what was previously known. If intelligence officials “are going to be doing investigations or monitoring in a place where people gather to worship or to study, they should have a pretty clear indication that a crime has occurred,” Mr. Wizner added.
The leader of one antiwar group mentioned repeatedly in the latest military documents provided to the A.C.L.U. said he was skeptical that the military had ended its collection of material on war protests.
“I don’t believe it,” said the leader, Michael T. McPhearson, a former Army captain who is the executive director of Veterans for Peace, a group in St. Louis.
Mr. McPhearson said he found the references to his group in the Talon database disappointing but not altogether surprising, and he said the group continued to use public settings and the Internet to plan its protests.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Open Letter to US Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Story by Ron Hutcheson, McClatchy Newspapers
President Bush at the 20 nations summit was ask about his Iraq policy. His National Security Advisor, Stephen Hadley said, "Bush was firm in his views and in terms of the foreign policy of the country that we would be continuing that foreign policy along the same lines."

My words follow, In other words "stay the course."
These are the names of the fallen in Iraq. These brave Americans gave all for there country. They gave there life in Iraq. Nov. 7th. was a notice sent by the American people to withdraw from the occupation of Iraq. Seems Bush and his administration did not get the message.
Army Pfc Daniel Alman II, 20
Marine Lance Cpl. Timothy Brown, 21
Marine Sgt. Brian Burgess, 35
Army Staff Sgt. Richwell A. Doria, 25
Army Col. Thomas H. Felts Sr. 45
Army Spc. Justin R. Garcia,26
Marine Lance Cpl. Mario D. Gonzalez, 21
Army Sgt, Fist Class Schuyler B. Haynes, 40
Army Staff Sgt. William S. Jackson II, 29
Army Sgt. Courtland A. Kennard, 22
Army Sgt. Jang H. Kim, 20
Army Staff Sgt. Misael Martinez, 24
Army Staff Sgt. Gregory W.G. McCoy, 26
Army Spc. Mitchel T. Mutz, 23
Army Sgt. First Class Tung M. Nguyen, 38
Army Sgt. Angel De Jesus Lucio Ramirez, 22
Army Spc. Eric G. Palacious Rivera, 21
Army Sgt. First Class Rudy A. Salcido, 31
Army Capt. Rhett W. Schiller, 26
Marine Lance Cpl. Michael D. Scholl, 21
Marine Lance Cpl. Kristopher C. Warren, 19
Since 11 days have past since the elections on Nov. 7th. Democrats and Congress are both responsible for theses new lost service members in Iraq. Democrats are in the majority in the new Senate they could and should cut off funding for Iraq.
The Democrats do not have the votes to end a filler buster in the Senate but they should have already made the proposed legislation known to Republicans and the GW Bush administration. By Democrats not taking action, they are in fact not representing the will of the people in office.
Democrats should also now raise the issue of changes in the rules of the Senate to end the Filler Buster with a simple majority vote. Republicans raised this issue first when they wanted appointments of Bush's Conservative Judges confirmed by the Senate. Notice that I am no longer asking for Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. There may be room for a compromise on that issue. Any Congressman can bring up that issue in the House but if Democrats don't bring it up then Democrats should get something in return for not moving forward on that issue.

Our forces number about 147,000 now and they should be removed from the sectarian fighting which is in fact Civil war in Iraq. They could be moved North and defend the Iraqi Kurds. The Pentagon has made plans known to send another 57,000 troops to Iraq, for some the 2nd. and 3rd. tour in Iraq. Now is the time to draw the line in the sand. If the Pentagon and the Bush Administration is permitted by Congress to send in 57,000 more than they just don't get it. Part of the 147,000 should come home in a draw down of the total. I would be interested to know if Rumsfeld approved this added 57,000 troops and decided to keep that quite until after elections. Someone should ask him both if he did approve and when did he approve?

Friday, November 17, 2006

A open letter to Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer,James Clyburn and Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Congratulations on this great victory for all Democrats. Now the real work begins. We all know "it's hard work" as President Bush has said.
I supported Democrats in the last elections. Move-on PAC and Barbara Boxers PAC. I also supported Ted Strickland and Sherrod Brown in Ohio. I also voted for Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry. They all shared my vision for America.
Now after 6 years of Republican Control of the Congress and the White House personally, I do not see very much that has been done. Not much that I consider to be work at all. Congress now works only two days per week. No President in History has taken more vacation time off than G.W. Bush. What work?
We now have a $9 trillion national debt and the Iraq war will cost tax payers $2 trillion. The next ten years are not looking all that good from the tax payers point of view. Never in the history of our country have we lost more jobs to other countries and the flood of ill-legals is out of control at our borders.
It is my opinion that Sept. 11th. was the greatest failure of our Government to protect Americans in the History of this great nation. A nation I love.
Now I call on you to begin the "hard work" of the office you have been granted by the voters. I call on you to place the "greater good" of the American people above your own. I call on you to be ethical in office.
Will you support the removal of Social Security from the general Budget. Al Gore called it a "lock box", he was correct on that issue. S.S. is a trust fund. It has always been a trust fund. The temptation should be removed to borrow from that trust fund to meet general budget obligations. I am not sure but I think this has been done in the past by both parties. I call on you now to commit to me and to the American people that you will work towards this goal of protecting Social Security for all Americans and for our children's future. The Privatization of S.S. into personal savings accounts by Republicans is in fact no more than a effort to divert public funds into private for profit accounts. It will not work. They don't get it, I hope you do.
PS, Please tell me. Why do you give concessions and get nothing from Republicans in return? Is it because you don't ask for something?
Democrats have agreed not to oppose Robert Gates as the new Defense Secretary. Democrats have agreed to legislation for aid to India.
Democrats have excepted the Pentagon's plan to send 57,000 more troops to Iraq. Some of these units will be doing their 2 nd. and 3 rd. tour in Iraq.
The Republicans would not make the same mistake of having nothing to show for these concessions. We need to withdraw our troops to the North and defend the Kurds. Let Iraq be it's own police force.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Welcome to the real world.

Welcome to the real world. Take a step back from the make believe world. This will come as a shock to those who have said the economy is great. It may be great for Rush Limpwade and Sean Hannity. But here's the shocker for them. There are people in New Orleans who do not own a car or have a credit
card. Rush does not seem to be missing any meals. I live in the real world. In Ohio an estimates 12.6 percent of Ohioans went hungry in 2003-2005. That's 1 in every 8 people. That's a increase of 11.4 percent from 2002-2004. According to the department of Agriculture report just out. The Feds. call it "food Insecurity" but for Faith Mission who served 24,000 meals last month they call it "hungry".
According to the annual "household food security" report the rate has been climbing since the late 1990s. There were 33 States worse off than Ohio in 1996-1998. 28 states were worse off in 2000-2002.
Just 12 are worse off than Ohio in 2003-2005. Ohio is racing to the bottom of the list.
For some the economy is great. The children going to bed hungry just do not agree.

(2006 Copyright DoucheBag Carl Calisnikov)

Does Iraq have a draft?

Does Iraq have a mandatory Draft? Where will the 150,000 Iraqis to replace the USA troops come from? Since 450,000 to 635,000 Iraqis civilians are dead and over 400,000 have left Iraq, where will they come from? Iraq currently has a army of about 300,000 troops. How will they increase that number to the 450,000 needed? How long will this take? At 20,000 per month it would take over 7 months. That's 5000 per week. Iraq is in civil war now. Many troops are involved in training Iraqis to be there own police force. Should we now ask the UN for 150,000 peace keeping forces? Like we did in Lebanon in order to withdraw Israeli troops?

NO one in Washington uses the word "occupation" no one in Washington uses the word "draft" in Iraq.
If Iraq is a Democracy should they now pass a draft to provide security? Democrat Carl Levin at least has courage, he called for phased withdrawal in 4 to 6 months.

We have had democratic elections in Iraq, according to Bush. Many times Bush has repeated this as one of the "major accomplishments" of his plan for Iraq. How many that voted for the Shiite majority government of President Al-Maliki's were terrorist when they voted and still are terrorist? No one really knows.

Who Governs America?

Who Governs America?

The American people have demanded a change in the direction of the occupation of Iraq. This is clear to most Democrats. The number one issue in the past election was Iraq.
The Bush Administration, the military and the State department were called before Congress for a hearing. They all repeated the same rhetoric as before, as if the election never took place, the "stay the course" policy. The American people have said "A change in direction is needed."
Considering it as fact that Congress is the elected representative of the people.
Who Governs America?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Will Democrats follow Dr. Kings example?

All the really big stars were out today. President Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. G.W. Bush also showed up. I like to give credit when it's due. Him and Clinton showed up and talked before a crowd of 5000 blacks. They were all there to calibrate the opening of
$100 million "King Memorial" in Washington. The first Memorial dedicated to a black man.
I think it's about time. I agree with Bush's words. "Today we see only these open acres, yet we know when the work is done, the King Memorial will be a fitting tribute, powerful and hopeful and poetic, like the man it honors. As we break ground we remember the obstacles that Dr. King overcame and the courage that transformed American history."
Who writes this stuff. That is very good. Well read also by Bush.
Now I ask you this. Why did it take so long for this man to be honored in Washington?. The people have honored Dr. Kings memory for many, many years now.

I also ask you this. If Dr. King were alive today. What would he say to all Americans about the occupation of Iraq? Would he be silent and not call it what it is a occupation? Would he call it "the war on terror"? I don't think he would. Dr. King had one thing most Americans lack, that one thing is real courage to speak out against what they know deep down inside themselves is wrong in America.
Dr. King was real. He was part of this world not a make believe world of fantasy. Dr. King took up real issues and faced them.

In this past election Democrats all over this great country followed Dr. Kings example. Exit polls indicated that the number one issue for voters was Iraq. Many have said the "majority" of the people in this country think that America is headed in the wrong direction. Democrats took the House and the Senate. Now the question is. Do Democrats have the courage to do what voters put them in office to do.
They must speak out against the occupation of Iraq. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Senator John Murtha, Senator John Kerry, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obamba. Governor Ted Strickland in Ohio and Senator Sherrod Brown in Ohio. Are you up to the task.? Will you follow the example of Dr. King's courage.?

We Democrats now have been called every name in the book. Some Democrats bring fear to the hearts of every Republican. We have earned capital in this election now we should spend it.
Democrats should fire the first shot for change. We give Bush confirmation of Robert Gates as the new Defense Secretary and Bush and Republicans give us a date certain for the end of the occupation of Iraq. Yes, this stand will take courage, Yes, there will be more name calling. Yes, the risk of hurting the 2008 Presidential race is there, all real concerns. The question is. Will we follow the example of Dr. Kings courage? Change will not come if we are not willing to spend the capital we earned.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Minimum wage in Ohio

According to Katy Gall 719,000 low income Ohioians will see a increase in pay. Thanks To all Democrats in Ohio. the $5.15/hr. Federal wage is 1915 wage in todays dollars. Now that it's $6.85/hr. prices will not go up and jobs will not be lost as predicted by the Republicans who opposed this increase for 16 years in Ohio.
In Ohio in 2000 2,117,741 voted for Al Gore. that was 46 percent of voters. Nader got only 3 percent or 114,482 votes. Had Nader not run Gore would have won Ohio,as he won in Florida. Kerry also won Ohio in 2004.

I get this from a person who claims to be smarter than others.

"Probably because you are a coward or a subsversive non-patriot. Douche, Personally, I'd bet you're both. I hope you choke to death while you sleep."

Your pal,

BTW, This idiot was the same idiot who claims to have worked in the news paper bussiness and claims his work (yahoo questions property) has copywrite. He is also the same person who told me he would take this blog from me. That has not happen yet.
Now he claims to be a vet also.
I have 1724 answers with 179 best or 10 percent, the idiot above has only 856 answers with 60 or 6 percent best, Carl is not very smart.. Only Republicans like him will resort to words like "coward", "non-patiot", and "subversive", that's all they know is hate. Hate is there way of life. They do this while they claim to be smarter.
hey carl, you called me three names then said "both". You also spelled subversive wrong. Did you sleep in High school? ha ha ha ha ha, what a Idiot.

Karl, stop the childish reporting. Sore loser?

Deleted Answer: Any House member can bring impeachment to the floor. The articles of impeachment have already been filed in Federal court. The creditable evidence of crimes in office is massive. Bush himself said to the Iraqi people.. Bush speaking after elections "does this election mean we are going to leave Iraq, no it does not". Look at the 18-29 vote numbers. They turned the tide in many races all over America. A full 2 million more young people voted this election than did in 2002. According to CNN exit polls 60 percent of voters younger than 30 cast ballots for Democrats. These people are not stupid. Look at the number one issue on voters minds. It was Iraq. Robert Gates will not go against Bush. Also consider this, In both Iraq and Afghanistan the USA has built permanent bases. They were built to protect the flow of oil. The only option is Bush's removal from office. It's sad. The neocons would not make the mistake of a "unprecedented period of cooperation" it's not the way they ran the Congress for the past 6 years. They gave legislation to the Democrats at the last minute before a vote was called. They never once gave a inch on any issue. Even forced "filler busters" in the Senate and threatened the nuke option. I think Democrats want leaders who lead. Leading is not about taking a vote with the opposed party on a decision. Bush's words "we earned capital in this election and we intend to spend it". He was speaking of the 2004 election which he Defeated John Kerry. Democrats would be unwise not to spend the capital they earned in 2006. Democrats can not spend that capital on there agenda if they can't get past Bush's veto power. Democrats also can not spend that capital if they can not stop the filler buster in the Senate.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Doctors go door to door in Baghdad

Researchers from John Hopkins Unv. survey 1849 households in Baghdad. They found that between 392,979 and 942,636 Iraqi civilians have died in Iraq. Gen. George W. Casey the top military commander in Iraq said this "I have not seen a number higher than 50,000".
Bush said this " I don't consider this a creditable report" Bush has also said in the past "80,000 or so." To understand the 1849 household number, you must know and understand SPC. Googgle it and learn it's meaning.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Democrats should not be politicly correct.. or weak

There is no room for compromise. No room for being politically correct and no room for rhetoric. Rush says reach out to Democrats. Bush says reach out to Democrats. That should make it clear to all Americans. Now they want it to be not about partisan politics but about unity, right! The American people have demanded change and that's what they want from Democrats.
They also want real leadership in Congress. Impeachment starts in the House and ends in the Senate. Cheney should also resign.
Bush needs to see a Doctor. Congress should demand he have a public record physical.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The last hours are at hand in 2006.

Dear MoveOn members,
In this final 48 hours, we're not going to give up on anyone.
Right now, it's all about reaching out to people and MoveOn knows how to do that better than anyone. I'm writing to tell you that the Democratic candidates in the tightest, neck-to-neck races in the country are counting on you to pull them through to victory with the energy, spirit and passion that define MoveOn.
Today and tomorrow, tens of thousands of MoveOn members are getting together in living rooms and at kitchen tables to call voters in toss-up districts where just a few hundred votes could mean the difference between victory and defeat.
These are people who need just one final nudge, one more reminder, one word of encouragement to get out and vote on Tuesday.
Let me tell you from personal experiences, the party that controls Congress matters, a lot.
That's why the Rove Republicans are spending the final hours of this campaign pouring millions into vicious, negative ads. They're savaging their opponents—with no more regard for the truth in the way they campaign than in the way they govern.
They still think they can prevail by preying on people's fears, if all else fails suppressing the vote. They want us to lose heart—to start believing we can't win. They're dreaming, because we've got their number.
If we keep working until the polls close, we can take back Congress. Then we can roll up our sleeves and start building a better future together.
Elections are about the American people coming together to make fundamental decisions about what kind of people we are, what kind of country we are going to leave our children and our grandchildren, and how we are going to relate to the rest of the world.
But, the first decision we have to make is to reject fear and embrace hope. Deciding to personally participate in the final crucial days of MoveOn's remarkable Call for Change effort is the best way I know for you to do that.
We can do this. Let's lead the way to victory.

–Bill Clinton

Saturday, November 04, 2006

please visit this site

The link is below,


He' has been there, he knows truth..

sgtyetzir said this on yahoo,
I'm enlisted in the military, and I've been on four Active Duty tours to both Iraqi and Afghan combat theaters. First thing is first, Terrorism is an idea, not an enemy. You cannot defeat or kill an idea with military force. The US Military is a powerful force indeed, but it cannot be used to fight an idea. Put the US military against any organized military force, we will prevail as the victors. But history will tell us that inferior and unorganized forces will always resort to some type of terrorism; ie: guerrilla tactics, hit and run attacks. The insurgency in Iraq could never win a frontal, organized battle against the US military, and they know this. That is why they are fighting us the way they are.

support the troops this Christmas at this link


Friday, November 03, 2006

Yes, we did work very hard.

Dear Jack,
There are less than 100 more hours until America votes. And despite George Bush's assertion that he is the "decider," the American voters are the real deciders.
Thanks to all that you have done, our PAC for a Change community has been front and center in this election. In the past two years, our PAC community has contributed more than $1.2 million to good Democratic candidates in key races across America, and along the way we have circulated petitions and strongly advocated for change -- change in Iraq, change in our failing foreign policy, change in our voting system, and change in our nation's priorities.
Here are just a few of the things we've accomplished together:
Thanks to your generosity, PAC for a Change has contributed more than $350,000 to deserving candidates and state party organizations
PAC for a Change online community members have directly contributed more than $850,000 to more than 25 different House and Senate candidates -- including nearly $160,000 to Claire McCaskill in Missouri and more than $125,000 to Jim Webb in Virginia
More than 109,000 people signed our petition calling for an exit strategy in Iraq; 104,000 Americans urged President Bush to nominate a new UN Ambassador; 75,000 Americans appealed to Lincoln Chafee to oppose John Bolton; 60,000 told President Bush to stop his illegal wiretaps...
I am so very proud of all the work that we have done together. We are clearly a force to be reckoned with! But now, in these last 4 days, it's time to dig deeper, push harder, and ensure a sweeping victory that will help us change America for years to come.

In Solidarity,
Barbara Boxer

Thanks Barbara, "it's hard work", hugs Jack

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nice dodge Karl, what was that link?

My reply was this,

Does your boss know your playing with the puter while being paid to work? BTW, you won Idiot of the month, your prize is that you will be featured for the balance of your life on my blog. Your hate is really starting to have a effect on your work. No I don't love you sorry. I also do not hate any person, not even the brain dead person in the White House. BTW, Bush's grades in Texas and his grades at Yale have never been released to the public. If you have a link I would love to read that one.

Stupid is as Stupid does said this,

"I gave this one to this guy because I pity him. Maybe 10 points will help his self-esteem a little bit. Send him a nice email or something, he needs the ecouragement."

You lie than you say you pity me. What I pitty is a person like you that depends on lie to make a point. Do you have the link? The one that supports your claim that "Bush got higher grades at Yale".