Sunday, October 29, 2006

Janie said this, good points to consider.

Do you feel more people hate Christians since Bush took office and due to his vocal "values voters" whose values are hard to understand as being the same as the ones taught by Jesus.
Does anyone remember the Christian left when the word Christian is thought of..

I feel many of the Christian right support things Jesus would not approve of like more love for rich than poor.

They hate people on welfare and forgetting that Jesus loved the poor and gave the workers who worked just an hour in his parable the same wage (benefits) as those who worked hard all day and we are to share and help others while they loudly express their hatred for people who they perceive are lazy and beneath them not valuing peace and deriding peace activists and trusting military over God for protection, no concern about dropping depleted uranium...
They Love big business and corporations despite its receiving far more tax dollars in corporate welfare despite its tax cheating, job outsourcing, environment destroying, political bribing, etc while having no problem with cutting 50 billion from social program.SO I want to know why do they ignore the teachings of the one they say they follow, do more people hate Christians due to Bush and Christian right and does anyone remember there are Christians on the left who disagree with them?
to further address some of your may call it a political rant, but I am genuinely wondering what the effort of Bush & his religious right supporters are on how people feel about Christians given the tendency to generalize. I speak with many young people & they totally HATE Christians saying they are intolerant, hateful, and judgmental. this bothers me as a Christian.
The reason I use the word hate is just browse through answers & see the hateful opinions expressed by the right about people on welfare whose individual circumstances are totally unknown to the person making mean judgments and in just one post about an anti Bush protest, all 17 rep answerers said things like they hoped the organizer is shot in the head, that all the liberals are shot, run over by trucks, imprisoned and tortured, exiled to dangerous countries, were called idiots, morons & other even going so far as to ask the question if people would go to the nationwide protests & shoot them...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Karl,Karl, Karl read the terms of service

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Karl,Karl, Karl, you should really think about stopping the name calling and childish remarks. And the childish reporting of others you don't like. That's not a good way to make new friends. That's also not a very good way to earn any respect from other users.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A Good question

hellvis ask this question on Yahoo questions,
How do you reconcile decreased taxes and increased deficit?
In other words, if raising taxes will eventually increase the deficit, it is a bad thing. But what if you lower taxes AND increase the deficit? Does stimulating the economy really do anything, except pay off your out of control spending? Bush, I'm looking in your direction...

My own words follow, this material is not copy written, use it as you want.
I can not speak for Bush. He is a carbon copy of Reagan on taxes. Even Reagan's own economist told him he was wrong to assume growth would off set cutting taxes for the wealthy. They cited "uncertainty" in the growth as a factor that could not be predicted years down the road. Clinton had a surplus all 8 years. Clinton even paid down the debt. twice. Clinton was a conservative. He always paid for his new programs with cuts in other programs. The Republicans cut taxes, Just like under Reagan. Cutting taxes for the wealthy in America. This decreased federal income. The Republicans also made Government bigger not smaller. With no cuts a deficit is now projected out 10 years of $9 trillion. The interest on that debt will eat tax payers alive. Republicans wanted to wait til after elections to tell the Americans what they would cut. After elections Republicans will try again to end Social Security as a way to fix the mistakes of the past. Republicans call ending S.S. "privatization". It's the same as end.

Friday, October 20, 2006

one mans protest

I protest, the war in Iraq. This occupation war is no longer the choice of the American people. This war will cost working class tax payers $2 trillion over ten years. This war has cost America over 2786 of bravest and best. America also has over 30,000 wounded as a result of this occupation. I do not support nation building in Iraq. I also want Defense Secretary Rumsfield to be fired for his mistakes.
I protest, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell being paid by tax payers while he is a full time candidate for Governor of Ohio. He should repay tax payers for Sept., Oct and November of 2006. He appointed another person to do his job while he was engaged in a full time campaign for Governor.
I protest, President Bush, C. Rice and D. Rumsfield for not taking action after they were given the PDB named "Terrorist determined to attack the USA". In that PDB they were all told that "terrorist would use hi j_acked commercial planes" to blow up targets in the USA. They were also all told that the "terrorist were already" in this country. There lack of any action on this PDB directly added to the event of attacks on America on Sept. 11th. They should all resign. To call the PDB a "historical document" is a insult to the intelligence of all Americans.
I protest, reading my e-mail and listening in on my phone. I also do not support arrest without charges and access to a Lawyer. I protest being taken to another country and being held far beyond what is reasonable time and the use of torture. None of this is Constitutional.
I protest, the conservative bias Supreme Court.
I protest, the agenda of giving any President absolute power over Congress and the Supreme Court, I support equal powers of all the branches. The president has no power to amend Congress in any legislation. I support the line item veto and two year term limits in Congress.
I protest, the use of electronic voting machines which are highly prone to error. I support a paper ballot system that can be audited by my representatives. I support my local representatives at my local board of elections as they have been legally appointed.I protest, the use of any poll tax. The cost of a drivers license or the 87 cents postage to return a absent voters ballot are poll taxes. They are not Constitutional. The 87 cents is paid to the United Sates Postal Service which is a government agency. The return envelope could easily be postage paid by permit.
I protest, the price of gas at $2.29 per gallon. I support federal price caps on gas. I also protest the in action by Congress to curb consumption in America. I support the use of alternative fuels.
I protest, the taking of oil from ANWAR except in times of war. Any oil taken from ANWAR should be placed in the Strategic reserve for use in time of war and as directed by the President. The oil in ANWAR now is the property of the people it should not be given to private companies to further a private companies wealth. The Strategic reserve is owned by the people.
I protest, the agenda to end Social Security by privatization. I support taking Social Security out of the Federal Budget system and treating it as a trust fund as it was intended. Congress should not be permitted to borrow from that trust fund. A 'lock box" should be adopted.
I protest, The "patriot act" which 88 Senators voted for and the President signed into law.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Republican Effort to fix the next election. 2006

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. - Orange County Republican leaders on Thursday called for the withdrawal of a GOP congressional candidate they believe sent a letter threatening Hispanic immigrant voters with arrest. Tan D. Nguyen denied knowing anything about the letter in an interview Thursday with The Associated Press but said he fired a campaign staffer who may have been responsible for it.
County Republican Chairman Scott Baugh, however, said that after speaking with state investigators and the company that distributed the mailer, he believes Nguyen had direct knowledge of "obnoxious and reprehensible" letter. He told the AP that the party's executive committee voted unanimously to urge Nguyen to drop out of the race against Democratic U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez

"I learned information that allows me to draw the conclusion that not only was Mr. Nguyen's campaign involved in this, but that Mr. Nguyen was personally involved in expediting the mailer," Baugh said in a telephone interview.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Lou Dobbs got it done in Congress

Wow, see what Lou Dobbs and six years in Congress gets done,

WASHINGTON - President Bush signed a bill Friday to help prevent terrorists from sneaking a nuclear, chemical or germ weapon into the United States inside one of the 11 million shipping containers that enter the nation each year — many without inspection.
We're going to protect our ports. We're going to defend this homeland, and we're going to win this war on terror," Bush said.
The president used the bill-signing ceremony to assert that Republicans are tough on terror, a key issue in congressional elections just less than four weeks away.
He noted that the SAFE Port Act authorizes the development of high-tech inspection equipment so customs agents can check cargo containers for dangerous materials without having to open them. It requires radiation-detection technology at 22 of the nation's busiest ports by the end of next year.
My own words follow. Note the words above "authorizes the development of high-tech inspection equipment". This means they don't have it now. It is also known that the science should always come first before the development. Hey Lou Dobbs. Can you tell me? Do we have the science?

In war shit happens

Deputy Coroner Andrew Walker said he would ask the attorney general to take steps to bring to justice those responsible for the death of Terry Lloyd, 50, a veteran reporter for the British television network ITN.
Witnesses testified during the weeklong inquest that Lloyd — who was driving with fellow ITN reporters from Kuwait toward Basra, Iraq — was shot in the back by Iraqi troops who overtook his car, then died after U.S. fire hit a civilian minivan being used as an ambulance and struck him in the head.
"Terry Lloyd died following a gunshot wound to the head. The evidence this bullet was fired by the Americans is overwhelming," Walker said. "There is no doubt that the minibus presented no threat to the American forces. There is no doubt it was an unlawful act of fire."
ITN cameraman Daniel Demoustier, the sole survivor of the incident, told the inquest that ITN's pair of four-wheel drive vehicles were overtaken by a truck carrying Iraqi forces and that gunfire erupted.
"The hell broke loose completely. I was absolutely sure I was going to die," Demoustier told the inquest. Driving blindly in smoke, Demoustier said he realized the passenger door was open and Lloyd was gone.
Demoustier, a Belgian, said he jumped from his flaming car and lay in the sand, waiting for the shooting to stop. Demoustier said he tried to stand to signal U.S. tanks in the area but that they resumed firing at the clearly marked ITN vehicles.
Demoustier said he saw a Red Crescent ambulance arrive and pick up people. He was later taken to safety in the car of a British newspaper reporter.
The coroner said Friday that a civilian drove up in a minivan, pulled a U-turn and picked up four wounded Iraqi soldiers, then saw Lloyd with a press card around his neck and helped him into the van. Lloyd was shot in the head as the van drove off toward a hospital, the coroner said.
Demoustier said after the ruling that the inquest had not made clear whether the bullet that killed Lloyd was fired by a U.S. tank or helicopter. He said the forces in a tank would have been able to see that they were firing at a civilian vehicle, but a helicopter would not.
The U.S. Embassy in London said it had no immediate reaction to the ruling.
Lloyd's widow, Lynn, in a statement read by her lawyer, said U.S. forces "allowed their soldiers to behave like trigger-happy cowboys in an area in which there were civilians traveling."
She called the killing a war crime — "a despicable, deliberate, vengeful act."
U.S. authorities didn't allow servicemen to testify at the inquest. Several submitted statements that the coroner ruled inadmissible.
The court watched a video Tuesday, filmed by a U.S. serviceman attached to one of the tanks accused of firing at the reporters' cars. The tape opens with images of Lloyd's vehicle and the Iraqi truck burning amid gunfire. The tanks drive to the cars and inspect them. A minivan — possibly the ambulance — appears and more shots are fired.
At the end of the tape, a U.S. soldier shouts, "It's some media personnel! That's media down there!"
A forensic examiner said the first 15 minutes of the tape may have been erased.

My own words follow. Anyone who knows war knows shit happens. Bush, Cheney and Rummy know nothing of war, they have never been there. Many Americans know nothing of war.

Monday, October 09, 2006

History Federal Income taxes 1998

Want to know where we are under Republicans in Congress. First understand where we were in Fiscal 1998 federal Income and outlays.
Total federal Income was $ 1,722 billion. Outlays were $ 1,623 billion. Leaving a surplus of $69 billion. Income from individuals was $829 billion. Corporations paid in only $189 billion.
My words follow. Please note that 48 percent of income is from individuals and only 11 percent from Corporations. If ya want to beat taxes become a corporation now. I am one.
Income from Social Security and other insurance and retirement benefits were $572 billion. Excise taxes were $58 billion. Another $75 billion in income was from the Estate and gift taxes and income from federal reserve deposits. Other miscellaneous income.

Outlays were $650 billion for Social Security. about 37 percent of total outlays.
Outlays for National Defense were $323 billion about 18 percent of total outlays.
Outlays for net interest on the national debt were $243 billion or about 14 percent.
Outlays for all Social programs were $ 303 billion. This is about 17 percent of total outlays. This includes Medicaid, Food stamps, SSI and all temporary assistance for families in America. This also includes all public health programs, health research, unemployment compensation and assisted housing for the poor.

Interest payments made on the National Debt are paid to the public which holds that debt in bonds.

The $69 billion surplus in 1998 under President Clinton was used to pay down the debt held by the public.

The Republican Congress just approved $498 billion for 2007 national defense. We now have a $9 trillion national debt projected over the next ten years.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Would anyone with even half a brain call this a "success"?

I call it failure, Just like Iraq is a failure. Some love the liar and embrace the lie as the truth. I love the truth and it is the truth we need to all view in the Iraq war.

KABUL, Afghanistan - A sweating man wanders into a crowd and blows himself up, leaving a dozen bodies lifeless on the street. A few blocks away, a car bomb pulverizes an armored Humvee, killing two U.S. soldiers and 14 civilians. The kind of anonymous insurgent violence that is convulsing Iraq has migrated 1,500 miles east to plague Afghanistan five years after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled the Taliban regime.
The prospect of a second downward spiral — though so far Afghanistan isn't nearly as violent as Iraq — has experts worried that Western military don't have an effective strategy for these irregular wars.
"One Iraq is bad enough," said Bruce Hoffman, a counterinsurgency expert at Georgetown University. "Given that our two main theaters of operations aren't going well, one has to question how well the U.S. understands counterinsurgency."
The reborn Taliban acknowledges that it has adopted the suicide bombings, be-headings and remote-controlled bombs of the Iraqi insurgent movement. Nearly 200 civilians have been killed in suicide attacks this year that look all too much like the wave of bombings sweeping Iraq.
"We're getting stronger in every province and in every district and every village," said Qari Mohammed Yusuf Ahmadi, who calls himself the Taliban's spokesman for southern Afghanistan. "We don't have helicopters and jet fighters. But we're giving America and its allies a tough time with roadside bombs, suicide attacks and ambushes. Our Muslim brothers in Iraq are using the same tactics."
Resemblances to Iraq don't stop there. Taliban public relations teams videotape attacks and post them online, an uncharacteristic venture into modern technology for a Muslim fundamentalist group that once banned cameras and computers.
The West's military strategy in Afghanistan also resembles that in Iraq.
Just as critics say Washington did not send enough troops to Iraq before the insurgency took root, analysts fault the U.S. for failing to press its advantage in Afghanistan in 2002 and 2003 when the Taliban were all but vanquished.
Meanwhile, Afghan observers say the same harsh U.S. tactics, decried in Iraq for causing civilian casualties, have helped the Taliban recruit new fighters.
But unlike Iraq's insurgents, the Taliban has ready sanctuary and support just outside their battle zone, in the border areas of Pakistan.
"There will be no end to this insurgency until its sanctuaries and external support are addressed," said Christopher Alexander, the deputy head of the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.
The U.S. military estimates about 6,000 Taliban and other insurgent fighters operate in Afghanistan, many from bases in Pakistan. Yusuf Ahmadi — who spoke by satellite phone from an undisclosed location and whose exact ties to the militia's leadership are unclear — put the figure in the tens of thousands.
The Taliban comeback, while focused on the volatile south and east, has begun to hit Kabul. The mountain capital's tree-lined boulevards are now scarred, like the streets of Baghdad, by garlands of razor wire, towering blast walls and impromptu police checkpoints.
There's little indication that Iraqi insurgents are joining the fight in Afghanistan or giving the Taliban direct aid, although a few Arab and Chechen fighters mingle in Taliban ranks.
But even without much personal contact, the Taliban has learned from Iraq's insurgency. Web sites explain the insurgent's art: everything from concealed rocket launchers to roadside bomb-making.

MY own words follow. Now go back to putting your head in the sand and watching FOX news.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Not only is it "hard" work, it cost's big bucks

In Ohio's race for governor Ted Strickland has raised $2.5 million in September the Republicans Blackwell has only raised $1.2 million in September. This brings Strickland's total up to $13.7 million in the last 17 months. Blackwells total is $10.9 million. Strickland had 31 contributors of $10,000 and Blackwell had 23 contributors of $10,000. That is max per. Strickland had 22,150 donors and Blackwell had 20,626 donors.
In 1999 Republican Bob Taft set the record for money raised, $ 13.2 million.

In Afghanistan UN troops start the takeover for US troops, the 20,000 US troops will draw down to about 8000 advisor's.
Why can't we turn Iraq over to the UN Peace Keepers. Ossssps, we would lose the no bid lucrative rebuilding contracts that Republicans in the USA want so badly. We would be forced to let the UN decide who gets what in Iraq. Or the Iraqi people. Or "Democracy" in Iraq.

Republicans paid $2000 per plate at a California fund raiser to have lunch at the Country Club with Bush and a picture made with him. Democrats showed up to protest the war in droves. The Democrats then had a $20 Hot dogs and beans plate fund raiser at the park.
The Republican who was being helped by Bush to raise money has close ties to Abramnoff. He said "YES I took money from Jack and I am going to keep it."

Monday, October 02, 2006

Lets return to the good ol days,


The Clinton presidency left America with record economic growth and prosperity:

Average economic growth of 4.0 percent per year, compared to average growth of 2.8 percent during the previous years. The economy grew for 116 consecutive months, the most in history.[16]
Creation of more than 22.5 million jobs—the most jobs ever created under a single administration, and more than were created in the previous 12 years. Of the total new jobs, 20.7 million, or 92 percent, were in the private sector.[17]
Economic gains spurred an increase in family incomes for all Americans. Since 1993, real median family income increased by $6,338, from $42,612 in 1993 to $48,950 in 1999 (in 1999 dollars).[18]
Overall unemployment dropped to the lowest level in more than 30 years, down from 6.9 percent in 1993 to just 4.0 percent in January 2001. The unemployment rate was below 5 percent for 40 consecutive months. Unemployment for African Americans fell from 14.2 percent in 1992 to 7.3 percent in 2000, the lowest rate on record. Unemployment for Hispanics fell from 11.8 percent in October 1992 to 5.0 percent in 2000, also the lowest rate on record.[17]
Inflation dropped to its lowest rate since the Kennedy Administration, averaging 2.5 percent, and fell from 4.7 percent during the previous administration.[19]
The homeownership rate reached 67.7 percent near the end of the Clinton administration, the highest rate on record. In contrast, the homeownership rate fell from 65.6 percent in the first quarter of 1981 to 63.7 percent in the first quarter of 1993.[20]
The poverty rate also declined from 15.1 percent in 1993 to 11.8 percent in 1999, the largest six-year drop in poverty in nearly 30 years. This left 7 million fewer people in poverty than there were in 1993.[21]
The surplus in fiscal year 2000 was $237 billion—the third consecutive surplus and the largest surplus ever.[20]
President Clinton reached across the aisle and worked with the Republican-led Congress to enact welfare reform. As a result, welfare rolls dropped dramatically and were the lowest since 1969. Between January 1993 and September of 1999, the number of welfare recipients dropped by 7.5 million (a 53 percent decline) to 6.6 million. In comparison, between 1981-1992, the number of welfare recipients increased by 2.5 million (a 22 percent increase) to 13.6 million people.[22]

why did Rice hide this from the Sept. 11th. Commission?

"I remember that George was very worried and he expressed that," Rice told reporters. "We were all very worried because the threat reporting was quite intense. The problem was that it was also quite nebulous."

What was this "threat reporting" that was quite intense? Did she ever even mention them before the commission? Congress needs to call her back and ask her. They did not do the job before.