Saturday, September 30, 2006

Is the Saudi King Abdulla Stupid?

Do you think Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah is stupid?

-The Saudi's control the worlds oil supply.
-The Saudis con Bush Sr. into protecting Kuwait and the Saudi oil fields. Bush Sr. cons the American tax payers into paying for Desert Storm.
-Desert Storm fails and leaves Saddam in Power.
-The Saudis con GW Bush into invasion of Iraq a second time after Iraq had surrendered, and without the UN support.
-GW Bush cons the American tax payers into paying for fixing Daddy's mistake in judgment.
- GW Bush cons Americans into thinking he is after Bin Laden in Iraq.
-Israel cons GW Bush into the invasion of Lebanon. With Israels troops of course.
-Cheney and Karl Rove and the Saudi King Abdulla con GW Bush into invading Iran.

GW Bush, Cheney, Karl Rove and the Saudis split up the Iraq, Lebanon and Iran rebuilding profits. Republicans in Congress are paid a share for the part they did in wars.

The American tax payers pick up the bill. As tax payers we get to dance after we defeat the "terrorist' and of course we get to pay the band.

It is the American tax payers that are stupid. Not the Saudi King.

OK you claim to be a Christian, you claim to be pro-life, you claim to be pro-family. You hate gays and lesbians and would kill all the so called "Islamofascist", in Gods name of course.

I am a progressive Democrat not a "Liberal" Democrat. I will vote for Democrats. For change and against the "stay the course". Democrats are our nations only hope.

In our world there are 1.3 billion that follow Islam. Would you use nukes to kill them all? I would not.
Also in our world 1.5 million children under 5 years old die each year from contaminated drinking water. You don't have a problem with that. In LAs "skid row" there are now 4000 homeless. That's a record number in LA. It's also a record number for all cities in the USA. You don't have a problem with that. You sit in your ivory tower.
You think the football game is important. Or you think the soccer game your kids are in is important.

You agree with Bush and the Republicans on every issue. You and the Republicans in Congress just passed $458 billion for defense plus another $70 billion for war in Iraq. You are the cause of a $9 trillion debt over ten years. You have forced the working class tax payers to pay the $2 trillion cost of the Republican war in Iraq. You are the problem.

You are not part of the solution to any problems. You are the very reason we are hated all over the world. You claim to be a Christian but in fact can not take care of your own kind first. Your fellow humans in the world who are also Christians. Now tell me why is it you think some Arabs hate Americans? The answer is simple, they hate arrogance and they hate greed as your only Motive.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

dear Senator DeWine

dear Senator DeWine,

Please ask the Bush administration to release the entire report to all members of the US Senate, after you have read the entire report please go on public record and tell all Americans that Bush is not "Data mining" as Bush has said in public. Also after you have read the entire report go on public record and tell all Americans that Bush is not recording our cell phone conversations and tracking cell phones as to location and use.

Once again, Bush proven to be a liar.

The report said al Qaeda would continue to pose "the greatest threat" to the United States by a single group.
It said there was a large body of information indicating that activists identifying themselves as jihadists were increasing in number and geographic dispersion.
White House homeland security adviser Frances Townsend said that estimate came in part from reviewing the increasing number of hostile Internet postings.
Townsend defended the decision not to release the whole document, saying the few key judgments held back "go directly to national security concerns" and there were fears about disclosing sources and methods.

Bush told all Americans the NSA was not data mining. He also told all Americans that our phones were not being monitored. Again he lied. His own Townsend outed him as a liar. The rest of the report will tell all Americans that the Government is monitoring Americans cell phones and all other forms of communications. Why do you think Bush will not release the entire report.? Bush knows what it says about spying on Americans.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Clinton on FOX news pulls Wallassaces shorts up

I have read Richard Clarks book "against all enemies" a great American Hero. Bush demoted him. It was Richard Clark who ran the situation room for Bush, Rice and Cheney on Sept 11th., they were all in a bunker hiding. Clark was armed as he ran the National defense situation room at the White House. Cheney and Rice ask him to do it..

Click here ""


In Ohio Kenneth Blackwell wants to lease the Ohio Turnpike to a private company. He claims that will produce $500 million for schools in Ohio. I recall when we were told that the lottery would fund the schools, then after we passed the gambling approval they switched the funds into the general Fund. This is nothing more than another Republican ploy to make stupid people think he is doing something.
The income for the Ohio Turnpike now goes into the general fund and a private company does not take out any profit. This idiot thinks voter are stupid to fall for this crap.
Blackwell also wants to require all schools to spend 65 cents of every dollar in income on classroom instruction, now theres a first. Idiot, the income is now from Property taxes and the Ohio courts have ruled that method un-constitutional. What part of that ruling is it that you don't get? Are you saying 65 cents of every State Dollar? Or 65 cents of every dollar from property taxes?
In a recent Governors race Columbus dispatch poll Democrat Ted Strickland has 52 percent and leads over Republican Blackwell with only 33 percent. In Ohio also Democrat Sherrod Brown leads with 47 percent over incumbent Republican Mike DeWine with 42 percent for The Senate seat. Only 11 percent are undecided. This race could go Republican since most undecided are Republicans who will vote party but do not want to admit that fact.

Sept. 9-27 1791 registered voters were polled. In the 2004 election 850 voted for GW Bush and 551 for John Kerry. There were 854 males and 895 females. Blacks were only 115 and whites 1593, other races were 38. 465 were union households and 1278 from non-union households. 275 made over $90,000 per year and 417 made less than $30,000 per year. A full 56 percent of those who had incomes of less than $30,000 would vote for the Democrat Sherrod Brown. 33 percent of that same group would vote for Mike DeWine, the Republican. Only 12 percent remain undecided in this group. Of those who had incomes of over $90,000 per year 54 percent would vote for Mike DeWine, the Republican and only 37 percent would vote for the Democrat Sherrod Brown. Only 9 percent remain undecided.

My words follow. This is our problem. The 33 percent that make less than $30,000 per year must be brain dead also the 12 percent undecided are not playing with a full deck. Why would these people not know Mike DeWine has done nothing to make their life better, nothing. These are Democrats. Right?
Or are they Republicans who make less than $30,000 per year?

Ohio has been under Republican control for 12 years past. Blackwell was Secretary of State when Bush was appointed President by the bias supreme court and it was Blackwell who had a hand in throwing out 357,000 votes in Ohio when Bush was awarded the State with a 118,601 margin. Most of the votes thrown out were in Democratic precincts. Also Democratic precincts had the highest reports of voting machine failures and long lines to vote.

In Iraq 35 were killed by yet another car bomb. 24 of them Women and girls. All badly burned up when they stood in line to get heating fuel. 26 of the 36 wounded were also Women. The bomb was a retaliation for a Shiite militia attack on Sunnis. Senator DeWine. What part of “civil war” is it that you don't understand? Bush. When Sunnis kill Shiites and both are Iraq people is that not civil war?

More than one third of the 184,000 service members who served in Iraq or/and Afghanistan seek medical treatment at VA hospitals. A full 35 percent are for Mental Disorders. In 2005 and 2006 and 2007 post traumatic stress disorders will require $600 million.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Repubs say Bush inherited a bad economy, right

September 27, 2000
Web posted at: 4:51 p.m. EDT (2051 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton announced Wednesday that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion, making it the largest in U.S. history and topping last year's record surplus of $122.7 billion.
"Eight years ago, our future was at risk," Clinton said Wednesday morning. "Economic growth was low, unemployment was high, interest rates were high, the federal debt had quadrupled in the previous 12 years. When Vice President Gore and I took office, the budget deficit was $290 billion, and it was projected this year the budget deficit would be $455 billion."

The Forbes 400 are in and they need more tax cuts.

A nine-figure fortune won't get you much mention these days, at least not in these pages. This year, for the first time, everyone on The Forbes 400 has at least $1 billion. The collective net worth of the nation's wealthiest climbed $120 billion, to $1.25 trillion.
Surging real estate, oil and other asset prices paved the way for 28 new members. Developer John P. Manning used political savvy to build a $1.1 billion fortune, in part by brokering low-income housing projects.
Chesapeake Energy founders Aubrey McClendon and Tom L. Ward are two of the oil fortunes added to the list. Pouring 40 million caffeinated drinks a week landed Starbucks honcho Howard Schultz on our list of America's 400 richest.
Manny Mashouf placed his skimpy women's wear on TV shows like "Party of Five" and "Ally McBeal;" today he has a $1.5 billion fortune in Bebe clothing stores.
Also gracing our list for the first time are Lehman Brothers chief Richard Fuld ($1 billion), hedge fund manager David E. Shaw ($1 billion), mutual fund guru Jonathan Lovelace Jr. ($1.1 billion), Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander ($1.2 billion), leveraged buyout tycoon Leon Black ($2 billion), Google veteran Omid Kordestani ($1.9 billion), Colony Capital's Thomas Barrack ($1 billion), New York City real estate moguls Stephen Ross ($2.5 billion) and Tamir Sapir ($2 billion), and the husband-and-wife computer chip team of Weili Dai ($1 billion) and Sehat Sutardja ($1 billion).
Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson, who rebuilt his fortune with investments in real estate and restaurants, is among the 14 returnees to this year's list. Netscape pioneer James Clark is another retread; he reinvested his tech proceeds into Miami condos and construction outfit Hyperion Development Group following the burst of the tech bubble six years ago.
Also returning is Little Caesar's founder Michael Ilitch ($1.5 billion), car dealership owner Robert Friedkin ($1.2 billion), investors J. Christopher Flowers ($1.2 billion) and Alfred P. West ($1.2 billion), and banking and real estate maven Paul M. Milstein ($3.5 billion).Once again the biggest gainer is casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, with a net worth up $9 billion. Adelson's Las Vegas Sands stock is up 125 percent since its public offering in December 2004. He has made almost $1 million an hour since the 2004 Forbes 400 was published.
Another big gainer is Warren Buffett, who added $6 billion. That wealth, and the rest of what he has accumulated as a value investor, will be given away, mostly to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

We lost 405,399 in WWII. At Pearl Harbor we lost 2390. On Sept. 11th. we lost 2974. We lost 58,000 in Nam. We have lost 2696 in Iraq and 278 in Afghanistan.
Among those killed in Iraq 34 percent come from families that report the lowest level of incomes. 50 percent from middle income families and only 17 percent from highest income families.
Bush Sr. made some calls to his Saudi friends, he told them to please help GW look good for November, we all know this is fact. Bush Sr. just told them you have allot to lose this November if Democrats win the House and Senate, your toast.

BTW, you Republicans never said one thing bad about Clinton, never passed on even one lie, never made a big deal of a haircut. Right, Right.
You were not hoping he would be impeached when your party spent $40 million trying, even as you knew you did not have the votes in the Senate, right, right.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Keith Obermann commentary

Olbermann ended his commentary by quoting the final words of Edward R. Murrow's historic 1954 broadcast:
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.
We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular. "

Monday, September 11, 2006

Why debate a rock?

Sassikats_04 said this on yahoo,

Why is it??
There are people from other Countries, who have so much to say about our Country, and our President, and yet either has no effect on them at all. Plus, they dont even speak with any accuracy.

Do you suppose they are sticking their noses in, only to try and start trouble with their ignorance??
Additional Details
1 day ago
Thomas, if a person is able to vote, as an American citizen, then yes, by all means voice your opinion, otherwise, shut-up.... Thats my philosophy!
Jack, I am talking purely about the political aspect of it all, American with rights, who have the right to vote here in the US.......

theres a diff....
reereecreek reply,

In a lot of countries, what Bush does on a daily basis affects them. Look at Tony Blair in England. Look at the "Coalition of the Willing." They have every right to say whatever they like. After all, are we not trying to "spread democracy" throughout the world? It is ignorance to think that what goes on in the US hasn't got a ripple effect throughout the world. If the dollar drops, it affects other currency too. Same thing with politics, especially on a global scale.

And I agree with Thomas - we continually "stick our noses in" to other countries' business - or have we all forgotten Grenada, Vietnam, Kosovo, Kuwait, Korea, Panama, Somalia....

My reply,
This is the type of person that I will never change. This type of person thinks people of other countries are “ignorant”she also thinks they have no right to voice any truth about America. Much like Bush and Rush and Horowitz, these types are laughable. My “philosophy” is “shut up”. You don't vote here in the USA. I wonder if these types even went to high school? Do they not understand that as a nation we are a part of a world of humans. All GODs children? Do they not know that Arabs love there children the same as we do? Do they not know that Arabs bleed and cry just as we do? Do they not understand that in Africa children die from lack of clean water to drink? Do they not know that it is America that must lead the world in our ability to make a difference to all Humans on Earth? Do they also not know that if other countries hate America then oil rich countries like Iran and Iraq will not invest in America because they do not trust America to do what is right for the world of humans.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sept. 11th. was a failure not a victory for the USA

Sept. 11th. was the greatest failure of our Government to protect Americans in Our history. Bush was told by PDB that arabs would attack the USA, he was told by PDB that they would use comm. aircraft, he was told they were in the USA. Why blame Clinton for what Bush did not take action to prevent?
Sept. 10th. New poll. Bush support at all time low. 38 percent. Support for the war in Iraq at 36 percent a all time low since America invaded Iraq in 2003.
Bush should give more speeches.
The following are members of the Ohio Legislature. All Republicans. They would not answer questions by the local Media about issues in the November elections, they cited as reasons, “we don't do polls”, “we have a voting record” and “we don't like YES, NO questions”. Do not vote for any of these who are running for office, they want you to buy a pig in a poke and they think you have no right to ask them what there positions are on any issues. These legislature members do not represent the people of Ohio. They represent the republicans in Ohio.
Ohio House Legislature, House speaker, Jon A. Husted, Charles Blasdel, Jim Carmichael, David D. Daniels, Kevin DeWine, Matthew J. Dolan, Diana M. Foster, Ron Hood, James M. Hoops, Randy Law, Ross McGregor, Scott Oelslager, Tom Raga, Jim Raussen, Steve Reinhard, Michelle G. Schneider, Mary Taylor.
Ohio Senate Legislature, President Bill M. Harris, Jeffrey Armbruster, Steve Austria, Patrica Clancy, Jeff Jacobson, Larry A. Mumper, Robert F. Spada.

The questions that were ask and answered were as follows.
Do you support raising the State Minimum wage to at least $6.85 per hour.?
44 Democrats said YES, only 15 Republicans said YES, and 41 Republicans said NO.
A whopping 91 In Ohio legislature answered YES that Ohio's 8 year term limits should be extended or eliminated. Saying YES were 45 Democrats and 46 Republicans. They want to keep the job they have now. The odds of winning the lottery are 5.2 million to one. The odds of winning the lottery twice are one in 3,669,120,000,000. That's a big number.

Ohio rep. Sherrod Brown gave the Democrats response to Bush Saturday radio speech. Brown “Five years after Sept. 11th. America is not nearly as safe as we can be and we must be”.
Brown is the Ohio Senate candidate that will un seat Mike Dewine in November.
Brown also said “many of the Sept. 11th commission recommendations have been haphazardly implemented or ignored by the Republicans in Congress.”

Republicans George V. Voinovich and Mike DeWine boasted that they were responsible for securing Ohio defense projects worth Billions. The two represent only 2 percent of the Senate votes.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich said “Bush's plan would do nothing to rein in the CIA tactics, in addition if military tribunals are set up, then as president Bush would become cop, prosecutor the judge and the jury in any tribunal”. My own words follow. This is the slippery slope of the Nazi Hitler.

One to two million Medicare beneficiaries can expect a increase in there Medicare premium. Individuals with incomes exceeding $80,000 and married couples with incomes exceeding $160,000
will see the increase. Those with incomes of over $200,000 will see the increase in 2009. The premium is now only $89.50 per month. Bush will announce the 2007 premium this month. A 2003 law passed by Congress to provide prescription drug benefit coverage also include this increase.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I Did not get this from FOX news

Sept 6th, 2006
Blackwell and Strickland had the first gubernatorial race debate. Ted Strickland remains the front runner in the race. Blackwell the Republican supports Bush war in Iraq. Strickland favors soft time tables for withdrawing our troops.

Republicans have been in Control of Ohio for 16 years. Blackwell said tax cuts “jump Started” the economy and since then 29,700 new jobs have been added. He did not mention 10,000 of Ohio's best jobs in Manufacturing have been lost under republicans.

Bush gave a speech before a paid crowd again. He made the address before “The Military Officers Association of America”. In the closed event to prevent any protesters. Bush said “pulling out of Iraq would make Osama Bin Laden a global threat on the order of Adolf Hitler.” Carl Roves words were also echoed by Rummy and Cheney, the PR machine is on the big bucks roll in the full press mode for the next November elections. Propaganda is what Carl Rove is about. Carl Rove is not about facts.
Someone needs to tell Rove that Bin Laden and Al-Qaida are not in Iraq they are in Afghanistan. Rove should consider this fact when he writes speeches for Bush, Cheney and Rummy to read.
Who falls for this crap?

A state of emergency is still in effect in Iraq now 2 years old. The Iraqi Parliament just extended it for another month because of sectarian violence. Iraq is in fact in civil war. Someone needs to tell Rove this fact so he can consider it in the speech's he writes.

We now have 2657 dead and over 20,000 wounded. In Iraq. We lost 58,000 in Nam.

On Sept. 6th. 2006. History was made in Lebanon. Lebanese troops replaced Israeli troops in five villages. They moved into the center of the Hezbollah strongholds. The UN will have 15,000 troops there very soon as peace keepers.
WOW, this sounds like a plan. The Israeli forces are replaced by Nationals and UN forces to keep the peace. I wonder if this would work in Iraq. Since the US General, Casey, there just said “the Iraqi force's are 75 ready to take over security”, then we would only need to provide 25 percent UN troops and a few Iraqi nationals to leave. Would this be a “Soft Time Table”?

Sept. 11th workers in poor health. Doctors said that 70 percent of workers who showed up after the towers collapse have breathing problems, they were exposed to asbestos, pulverized concrete, mercury and other toxins. In a National emergency would not the National guard be called in quickly. They should have been the ones going into Ground Zero with protective masks and oxygen tanks. Some would say that the mayor was at fault for sending in crews without protective gear, or some might say that Bush should have ordered the site a military area of contamination, who knows?.

The Minimum wage issue has won enough supporters to get on the Ohio Ballot in November, thank God. I signed it. We want it up from $5.15 to $6.85. In five other States it's over $8 and they have not reported and “big layoffs” or lack of new hires. Legalized slot machines also made the ballot on a effort by Organized crime to get into businesses in Ohio. I will vote NO on that effort to increase crime.
In Ohio On the minimum wage ballot issue, over half the signatures were thrown out by Republican operatives who oppose the increase for the Restaurant industry, the bribes flow.
The National Federation of independent businesses “the restaurant industry” said “this is not a message you want to send to prospective businesses”. What they mean is the low paying employers who want to earn more profits from exploiting low wage workers. Republicans tried a feel good measure to halt the ballot issue, they proposed a increase to $5.15 the same as the federal level it is now, nice try.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Do you love them as your own?

Bush read his written by Carl Rove speech on Labor day. "Yet the enemy we face today in the war on terror is not the same enemy we faced on Sept. 11," said the 23-page terrorism strategy update. "Our effective counter terrorist efforts in part have forced the terrorists to evolve and modify their ways of doing business."
Two months before the midterm elections, the report was the White House's latest attempt to highlight national security, an issue that has helped Republicans in past campaigns. Democrats were releasing their own assessment.
The Democrats Harry Reed written statement reply on Labor day. "Years of failed Republican policies have made America less safe and less able to effectively fight terrorism, and Democrats are ready to take this country in a new direction,"
There are 12 spending bills in the Senate to be considered and voted on. All have been passed by the House. Only one has been passed by the Senate. The Senate returns today from a month of vacations and only works three weeks before taking off again. I predict they will do no work. None of the 11 remaining bills will be voted on before the November elections. They may pass 2005 spending bills to fill the gap and keep the Government running but they will not address the 2007 spending bills passed by Congress. Republicans control the agenda of Congress.
My own words. The reason they will not pass any spending bills is that they want voters who vote not based on facts but based on “other things” they will try to put in the minds of voters. IN other words propaganda. Are both sides guilty, you bet they are. The Republicans control the agenda in Congress, they decide what is on the floor for consideration. Republicans don't want voters to hear what the Democrats have to say on the floor about each bill. Republicans want you to know what you see on TV and read in the papers, if you read. In my words, look at the propaganda not real facts and real people talking about what is fact and what is fiction. The Carl Rove phrase “no child left behind” is a classic example that ploy in Republicans PR. There are in fact 100s like that used in the past 6 years by the Republicans in Congress. Would the Democrats do the same if they were in power, of course they would, only a fool would think not.
OK, this is the deal. In November American voters must make a the single most important decision in our lifetime it's about America and it's about what is best for America and what is best for the family and themselves. The last time we faced this same decision in 2004. We failed America miserably.
Only a fool would vote for any 3rd. Party, do not be fooled again. No third party has a chance to win, therefore they can not effect any change. If you agree with Republicans that change is not needed, then vote Republican. If you agree with Democrats that IN America we have many needs for change and only one is in Iraq.
We need to end that invasion, end that occupation and we need to bring our troops home, no question about that. Democrats have a “exit plan” and Republicans have a “stay the course plan” there is a clear difference in the two parties no one can claim not.
America now has 2651 dead in war in Iraq. We have over 20,000 wounded. Iraq is in civil war now.
Second tours are far more dangerous that first tours and many of our troops have been drafted into the second tour. One of the 2651 was 21 year old Lance Corporal Ryan Miller of K company, 3rd. Battalion, 2nd. Marines. He had spent 10 days out in the field in fighting, they had drawn small arms and mortar fire and his Humvee had been damaged by a land mine. He survived that and called his Dad. His last words were “ Boy were real lucky Dad” his Dad replied “praise the lord, Son” those were the last words this one Father heard form his Son in Iraq. God help us all and God help America, if we are not wise enough and compassionate enough to think of this one brave service man as our own.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bush Video of ten years ago

Check out this video of Bush in debate 10 years ago when he was running for Governor of Texas.

The dream ends here

In Ohio, Strickland doesn't always fit the “liberal” label. In 2004 71 percent, 2005, 77 percent. Other liberals had scores of 93.7 and 92.5 percent liberal leaning votes.
Many Voters remain dissatisfied with Bush and the Republican control of Congress. Most new national polls indicate a shark like feeding frenzy up to the November elections. Even the conservative bias news media is jumping the “ship of fools” called incumbents. The “stay the course” supporters have a seemingly brain dead mentality that America “is just fine” and we should keep going down the same dream like road as charted by Rush Limbaugh and Carl Rove who dream out loud, while snoring.
In the house of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, a liberal feminist, from San Francisco, Calif. will replace Dennis Hastert, a loyal Bush yes man. This has got to be Rush's worse nightmare.
On the energy and Commerce Committee, John Dingell will replace Joe Barton. Barton is a loyal oil man and ultra- conservative. Dingell is a new deal style liberal who supports strong Government regulation.
On the Financial Services Committee. Barney Frank will replace Michael Oxley a free market Ohio conservative and a Bush yes man. Frank is a liberal From Mass. who believes in using law to reduce inequality and in expanding affordable housing, Internet taxation and workers rights.
On the Judiciary Committee, John Conners Jr. will replace F. James Sensenbrenner. Conners is a former civil rights activist.
In the U.S, Senate
The Majority leader Bill First has decided to retire. He will be replaced by Harry Reid, of “give em hell Harry” dot Com fame. A tart tongue Bush critic. Lawyer, former boxer, and a Mormon. And get this he has “conservative social views” that sometimes take a backseat to the will of his party.
On the Armed Services Committee, Carl Leven will replace John Warner. Carl Leven has called for phased troop withdrawal in Iraq and criticized defense spending. Leven is a former Navy Secretary.
On the Environment Committee, James Jeffords will replace James M. Inhofe. Jeffords is a Vermont Independent. Inhofe doubts Global warming as bad science and Jeffords is the lead Democrat in the fight to require power plants, automobiles and business's to reduce emissions.
On the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jay Rockefeller will replace Pat Roberts. Roberts has blocked strong oversight of the CIA and the Bush investigation of pre war intelligence. Rockefeller wants more vigorous oversight of the CIA and has criticized the intelligence that lead up to the war. He also questions the legality of the Bush/NSA eavesdropping.
Yes this November election is very important. We must vote for the common good of the country. Not just vote “the Party” as was the case in the last two elections.
We must also insist that our votes are counted this time for a change.

Bush has dropped his plan to sell 300,000 acres of tax payer owned national forest for $800 million. He could not get the support of Larry Craig or Ron Wyden for the scheme.
Democrats will press to get out of Iraq. They have a exit plan which Bush has lacked form the start. They will not be deterred by the charges of being “traitors” and “aiding and obbeting the enemy”.
Many Americans have been down this road before with the same tactics they used in debate about Viet Nam. They were wrong then and are wrong now. The IED, Monkey like and cowardly warfare in Iraq can not be won. Iraq is in Civil war now, the Republicans dream it's not truth.
We are not safer now then we were before Sept. 11th., the Republicans dream it's not truth.
The investigation by Congress into the Bush administration will rival that of Nixon and Clinton. The Republicans dream it's not truth.
Democrats will raise the minimum wage, Tax cuts for top earners and multi-million dollar inheritances will be overturned for new income to balance the rise of the deficit. Oil company tax breaks will end and the airline companies will be stopped from taking tax payer money to pay for the cost of a service they sell for a profit. The Republicans dream it's not truth, while they snore out loud.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Poverty on the rise again

September 1, 2006

In the UK 16 terrorist arrested in a new sweep, they were not in Iraq or found in the USA.
How many terrorist suspects have been arrested since Sept. 11th. In the USA?

The USA does not negotiate with terrorist, the UN has no problem talking with Irans President, Secretary General Annan is in Iran to talk with them about nukes and Iran's connections with Hezbollah.

Is the war in Iraq being waged by Lower Class and poor service members? Read the book AWOL by and the book by Frank Shaffer, called “baby Jack”. Who said he wants the draft. After the invasion of Iraq Bush said “go shopping” the CNN conservative bias news person pointed out for the listeners that Bush said that to improve the economy not “go shopping” in order to avoid service.

The the Front page of Columbus Dispatch, a conservative bias media. Above the fold. “ Ethnic attacks soaring in Iraq” report by Drew Brown. Sunnie and Shiite extremist seeking to control Baghdad has eclipsed the Sunni insurgency against US troops. According to the Pentagon. This week 300 Iraqis were killed in Ethnic fighting.

In 2005 there were 13 million people live in Poverty in the USA, according to CNN.

the contradiction rise

Italy has sent 3000 troops to Lebanon. The French will send 2000 troops. Seems to me this is a coalition of the willing. The tanks and trucks all bear the UN logo.

Bush just said in his radio address today, “Iraq is not in Civil war” according to his advisers. The US military has complained that the Media is not reporting the “good news” in Iraq, a civilian PR firm has been hired. The goal is to send a more positive message about what happens in Iraq.
In my own words the “Propaganda machine” is being turned on. November elections are more important than permitting any forms of unbiased, objective and uncensored reporting.
We now have 2643 dead and over 20,000 wounded in Iraq.

The US Defense Department issued a report to Congress saying Sectarian violence is spreading in Iraq. While at the same time illegal militias are becoming more intrenched especially in the Baghdad area.

Strickland doesn't always fit the “liberal” label. In 2004 71 percent, 2005, 77 percent. Other liberals had scores of 93.7 and 92.5 percent liberal leaning votes.

space tourist, shame on you.

My own words. Shame on you, shame on your greed, shame on your arrogance. In Iran your Government starves it's people and suppresses womens rights as well as human rights and you do what? You pay them $20 million to put your sorry,,in space. How utterly vain.
This has got to be a Republican from Texas.

* Anousheh Ansari, who was born in Iran and moved to the U.S. when she was 16, co-founded with her husband the Texas-based company Telecom Technologies Inc.
* Ansari is following in the path of space tourists Dennis Tito, Mark Shuttleworth and Greg Olsen, who also traveled to the international space station aboard Russian capsules.
* Ansari's contract bars her from revealing the trip's cost, but previous space tourists have paid $20 million.

Friday, September 01, 2006

What Happened too?

What happened to the great "uniter" that GW Bush said he would be for America?
What happened to the "compassionate conservative" that GW Bush said he would be?
Were these mere empty words written by Carl Rove for GW Bush to read on the politics stump? I respect and admire all vets. When they give there word to America they keep their word. I have no respect at all for a liar. Less respect than none for these politicians that use words with no real deeds or actions or courage to keep the promise they make.

take a survey, if ya dare

Another survey!

I thought the idea of that survey was neat so I decided to create one of my own with questions that I'd like to ask people.

1- Color you like best.

2- Food you like a lot.

3- Do you enjoy cooking?

4- Do you have any pets? What are they?

5- If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?

6- What do you like to do for fun?

7- Do you have any kids? Names? Age?

8- Do you care about politics? If so, what issue is the most important to you?

9- What musicians do you like?

10- Name the movies you like.

11- What is your dream job?

12- What are you wearing?

13- Do you belong to any groups? If so, would you share what they are?

14- Describe your ideal mate.

15- If you, by chance, won the lottery for $10, 000 what would you spend it on?

16- Is there an after-life, and where is it?

17- Are they any gases around Uranus?

Thank you all. Post this in your blog and I'll tell you about me!