Sunday, February 26, 2006

Who supports the Liars in the White House

Do you remember Lawrence Lindsey? He was one of King George’s II economic policy advisor's and Director of the National Economic Council from 2001 to 2002. He was fired in 2002 after suggesting that the Iraq War would cost upwards of $200 billion. The official administration propaganda at the time said the war would cost $60 billion. They also said we would be greeted as liberators and showered with flowers.

Mr. Lindsey was wrong. Congress has already appropriated $357 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, these cost are on top of the $400+ billion a year we already spend on defense.

It gets worse. According to a new economic study by Joseph Stiglitz, a former Chief Economist of the World Bank and a Nobel Prize winner in economics, the future cost of our current war/occupation will be between $1 trillion to $2 trillion.

This nation spent $800 billion adjusted for inflation to fight the war in Vietnam. However this isn’t the true cost of a war. An additional $1 trillion was spent on Veterans benefits and interest payments after the war.

What does this mean to you and your family? It comes out to be about $19,600 per U.S. Household. That would have been enough to finance the shortfall in Social Security for 150 to 300 years.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

facts are facts, turn off FOX news and read

Everyone knows Republicans are better for the economy than Democrats, right?
Well, in the reality-based community that looks at the inconvenient facts, it simply isn’t true. Democrats have outperformed Republicans in every meaningful way.

This is not economic theory, or Voodoo, the numbers are out there and can be examined by anyone.

From 1962 to 2001 presidents have prepared forty budgets. Control of the White House was evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats with each party preparing and submitting twenty budgets. The results?

The twenty years of budgets prepared by Republican presidents increased the national debt by $3.8 trillion. The average yearly deficit under Republican budgets was $190 billion.
The twenty years of budgets prepared by Democratic presidents increased the national debt by $719.5 billion. The average yearly deficit under Democratic budgets was $36 billion.
Big Government
Under the 20 years of Republican administrations the number of non-defense government employees rose by 310,000.
Under the 20 years of Democratic administrations, the number of non-defense government employees rose by 59,000.
Of the 369,000 employees added between 1962 and 2001, 84% were added under Republican administrations and 16% were added under Democratic administrations.
Economic Growth
For the twenty years for which Republican presidents submitted budgets, the average rate of GDP growth was 2.94%.
For the twenty years in which Democratic presidents submitted budgets, the average rate of GDP growth was 3.92%.
For the twenty years in which Republican Presidents submitted a budget, the unemployment rate averaged 6.75%.
For the twenty years in which Democratic Presidents submitted a budget, the unemployment rate averaged 5.1%.
For the twenty years in which Republican presidents submitted a budget, the inflation rate averaged 4.96%.
For the twenty years in which Democratic presidents submitted a budget, the inflation rate averaged 4.26%.
For the twenty years of Republican submitted budgets the average percentage growth of total Federal spending was 7.57%
For the twenty years of Democratic submitted budgets the average percentage growth of total Federal spending was 6.96%.
Non-Defense Spending
For the twenty years of Republican submitted budgets the average growth rate of Federal non-defense spending was 10.08%.
For the twenty years of Democratic submitted budgets the average growth rate of Federal non-defense spending was 8.34%. Federal non-defense spending was 8.34%.

More information: ""

Friday, February 17, 2006

Great Video, simple facts

This site gives a Video of easy to understand facts.
Join us (and do something) to make America what we all want it to be, Great again.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Goto Miserable failure it's a dot com

A Neocon said this,

"Yes it was a failure. Big governement always is. If I was there and didnt have a vehicle to leave, I'd get my family and start walking. I wouldnt wait there and expect the federal government to come and get me. I would get out."

Once again your own arrogance and your own obvious conservative bias has effected your ability to make a educated and informed statement. You just don't get it. You never will get it. Chertoff should be fired for the 1300 deaths on his head. Bu$h should resign due to his lack of leadership. If they are both not fired then Bu$h and his supporters are very much alike.

This is not about “they were poor”, it's not about “they were black”, It's not about them being “elderly or sick, or mostly women and children”, It's not about them not having a car or credit card like you.
It's about that they were Americans.
It is also about the oath Bu$h and all in Congress took to “protect and defend” all Americans. Sept. 11th was there first failure at that oath, this is another.
Republicans in Congress seem to get it on Katrina. Looking at the report they wrote.
Neocons have no problem spending $6 billion a month in Iraq but they are not willing to take care of all Americans. The ferderal Government was told many times the levee's needed fixed, the federal Government in fact also ignored the warnings by state and local agency's and now Americans pay the price.
The price Americans pay for the incompetence of some in this case is suffering and death.

Hurricane Katrina

Huricane Katrina,

House Inquiry. Feb. 12th, 2006

Overall, the House report said, the federal government's response to Katrina was marked by "fecklessness, flailing and organizational paralysis."
"Our investigation revealed that Katrina was a national failure, an abdication of the most solemn obligation to provide for the common welfare," said a summary of the scathing report obtained Sunday by The Associated Press.
"At every level — individual, corporate, philanthropic, and governmental — we failed to meet the challenge that was Katrina," the report concluded.

On another subject. Sept. 11th. was the greatest failure of our government in the History of our country. Bar none. Over 3000 innocent, good Americans lost there life as a result of this failure. The Law suits filed will not bring back the lost.
There are many questions still longing for the truth. Also many relatives and friends of those lost still long for the truth. Given the fact that our Government has a long history of lies, we may never know.
It is wrong, it is not Godly and it is a shame that some in politics would use Sept. 11th. as a means to further there own agenda. To do that is to spit on the graves of those who lost there life.
Neocons in the White House have used this failure by our Government as a means to a goal.
A real American would never agree with this ploy.
Neocons are saying " we are post 9-11 " and they are not patriots", "we are fighting the 9-11 terrorist in Iraq". Iraq had nothing to do with Sept.11th. and Bin Laden is in Afghganistand not Iraq. What makes these types think that any Terrorist would stand and fight in Iraq face to face with our service men? Terrorist do there dirty work behind the backs of Americans, never face to face.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Who owns the media in America?

I do not own stock in any of these companies. Liberals do not control the content of any of the news reports.
Most stock is owned by Conservatives.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Abortion right or wrong?

great question. Men are not very smart. They are sometimes not smart enough to use a condom.
Abortion is a issue neocons use to divide one American against another. Also to divide men against women. The simple fact is that you (we) can not legislate morality. Nor can you legislate good common sense. There are those that want to do just that. IE. Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. The Moral "Majority".

We have far tooo many Laws and far too many lawyers in Washington. If Abortion were made illegal the black market would just step in and provide the service for a fee. Or some would go to Mexico or Canada and get one.
Those that claim they want to unite America in fact want to divide it, they use abortion as a means to that goal. We all need to use good common sense. The Morning after pill will be sold in this country, either legally or ill-legally. I do not agree with that but we are powerless to stop the market of that pill. We are powerless because Corporations own Congress.
read the comment below for a very wise opinion.

what to do about Social Security

fund it, keep it, reform= code word subterfuge for end.
reform= code word for private-tize, for profit.
I would like for those in Washington to stop stealing form the trust fund. Both sides have done so.
Take it out of the budget and really put it in a “lock Box” as some have said.
Let Average Americans buy the IOUs that Congress has given the S.S. Trust fund now with cash. Same as selling stock. Same as Government G.I. bonds. Except no commission to brokers and no fees. $10 mini investment, would help single moms. That is reform.
What the neocons want is Broker Commissions on stock investments by all. They see it as a new market. Privatized=profitable.
If we take out the one person who pays in the system will end. They have de-funded the system. Neocons have that goal. Allowing that one young person more “freedom” to pay commissions to the brokers. More “freedom” to manage there own investments. Then when they fail at the investments S.S. Will be gone and the Commissions they paid will be also. Neocons hate it when the Government competes with them for control of the Money. They also hate it when the Government puts a cap on their new markets.
Some who own a business and pay 15.7 percent S.S. Tax. 7.35 percent as employer and 7.35 percent as the only Employee.
If S.S. Had not been robbed in the past we would not have a problem with the “baby boomers”now.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

defense means offense

Add this to your neocon space ring decoder.
When they say defense they mean offensive weapons developement. $439.3 billion for 2007. Military contractors are jumping with joy to get back the bribes they paid to neocons. CEOs are slobering at the mouth.

jack ask, "Why do neocons hate women and children?"

Curious1 said,
You know, Jack, when you say things like this it just makes people close their ears to anything you have to say. You lose any credability and it just shows how far to left you really are. You know republicans dont HATE woman and children and you just turn a bunch of people off when you say such outlandish things. The only one who will take anything you say seriously are those that already agree with you. If you want to win people over to your point of view you really need to change your strategy.
Curious1, said,
Oh Jack, so now youre quoting me. The difference between republicans and democrats is that republicans will stand up for what they believe in even if it goes agaisnt what other republicans believe in. I admire them for standing up for what they believe in, unlike the dems who will just spout party line and never go agaisnt another dem.

Curious1 said this,

You are so closed minded when it comes to the news. You say you wont watch tv but yet you get your news from where Jack? Left wing websites. Now thats fair and balanced. I despise CNN but I watch them regulary so I can get different views on issues. I dont get my news from ONE newsource like yourself.
Curious1 said this,
Thats the lie of the scare people into thinking that republicans want the elderly starving in the streets. Please...No one wants anyway starving in the street. Everyone wants the elderly taken care of and its not only insulting for you to insuate otherwise but very unpatriotic. the republicans want social security REFORMED so that in the future there will be money left in the ss fund to take care of the elderly. At the rate we are going, there will be NOTHING for the elderly. We need Social Security reform NOW.

Monday, February 06, 2006

How would you spend your tax dollars?

It said last week it would submit a supplemental spending request for $18 billion for hurricane relief for the current budget year and ask Congress for $120 billion to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of this year and into 2007.
The war spending is on top of a nearly 5 percent rise in the Pentagon budget to $439.3 billion for 2007. Bush's budget would also provide about a 5 percent increase in spending at Homeland Security, not counting hurricane-recovery costs.

The administration has said the deficit for this year will top $400 billion, driven upward by the costs of the war in Iraq and rebuilding the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast.
In all, Bush targets 141 programs for elimination or sharp reductions for savings of $14.5 billion next year.
Because of the huge deficits, the administration will be forced to ask Congress in coming weeks to raise the national debt limit, now at $8.18 trillion.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Some repubs get it some don't.

Gonzales is certain to encounter aggressive questioning from chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Arlen Specter, who has repeatedly expressed skepticism about whether the administration was on solid ground. On NBC's "Meet the Press," Specter" Bush's contention was "very strained and unrealistic."
The Pennsylvania Republican, who will preside over the hearing, said the "specific statute on the books ... says flatly that you can't undertake that kind of surveillance without a court order."
The 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, makes it illegal to spy on U.S. citizens in the United States without the approval of a special secret court.
On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sen. Patrick Leahy, the committee's senior Democrat, said "if we're spying on Americans ... Americans want to know that at least there's a check and balance, at least it's being done within the law."

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A lawyer for an Ohio trucker who pleaded guilty to plotting to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge has prepared a motion asking a federal judge to throw out the case on the grounds that the government illegally spied on him.
Iyman Faris' challenge is among the first to seek evidence of warrantless electronic eavesdropping by the National Security Agency, a practice that began after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Government officials have reportedly credited the practice with uncovering Faris' terrorist plot.
Critics say the NSA tactics are unconstitutional, contending that the government must go through a secretive court set up to approve surveillance warrants in the United States during national security investigations. The Bush administration has staunchly Faris' attorney David Smith said he planned to file the motion Friday in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va. It will argue that investigators improperly obtained evidence against Faris and that his trial lawyer was ineffective.
Faris, 36, pleaded guilty in 2003 to conspiracy and aiding and abetting terrorism, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He has tried to withdraw his plea, saying everything in his agreement with prosecutors was false.
According to prosecutors, Faris traveled to Pakistan and Afghanistan, carrying out low-level missions for terrorists.
Prosecutors said he investigated, but ultimately ruled out, the possibility of using a gas cutter to burn through the Brooklyn Bridge's suspension cables, and that he received attack instructions from top terrorist leader Khalid Shaikh Mohammed for what they suggested might have been a second wave of terror attacks in New York and Washington.
At his sentencing, prosecutors acknowledged that federal agents were led to Faris by a telephone call intercepted in another investigation. They defended the practice, saying the agency only monitors calls in which one party is outside the United States and the call is believed to be related to terrorism.
A lawyer for Ali al-Timimi, an Islamic scholar in northern Virginia convicted of exhorting followers, has said he plans to challenge his case based on NSA involvement. So has an attorney for Adham Amin Hassoun, a Lebanese-born Palestinian who worked as a computer programmer in Broward County, Fla.
Al-Timimi is serving life in prison.
Hassoun is charged along with four others with being part of a North American cell dedicated to supporting violent Muslim extremists worldwide. He is awaiting trial in Miami.

Friday, February 03, 2006

chomsky on Iraq

If you long for the truth then read this. This read is only for those with a open mind.

Lawless world, a good read

LONDON – President Bu$h told Prime Minister Tony Blair nearly two months before the invasion of Iraq that the United States intended to go to war even if inspectors failed to find evidence of a banned weapons program, a human rights lawyer claimed in a book published Friday.
Author Phillippe Sands said Bush made the comments in a White House meeting with Blair on Jan. 31, 2003. He cites a memo of the meeting as saying Bush also told Blair that military intervention was scheduled for March 2003 even without U.N. backing.
The prime minister responded that he was "solidly with the president and ready to do whatever it took to disarm" Saddam Hussein, Sands quotes Blair as saying in the new edition of "Lawless World."

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Check this out

A reactor meltdown that the public was not told about. Lawyers do not allow any discussion of the settlement terms.

new polls out

By David Lieberman, USA TODAY
NEW YORK — Time Warner (TWX) CEO Dick Parsons patted himself on the back Wednesday for the company's strong fourth-quarter financial results. He also tried to prepare investors and employees for billionaire Carl Icahn's assault next week on the entertainment giant's management and strategy.
Time Warner reported that net income rose 21% from the same quarter in 2004, to $1.4 billion, on revenue of $11.9 billion, up 7%.
That was 29 cents a share including some one-time gains such as asset sales and tax breaks and 25 cents without them. The results easily beat the 22 cents forecast by analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial. Shares closed up 3.9% at $18.22.

The desire for change in the country is intense—60% think America is on the wrong track. In 1994 only 55% of the country felt that way.1
President Bush is very unpopular. Only 39% approve of him in one poll—that is lower than anyone, except Nixon, during this point in their presidency.2
The news isn't better for Congress. Only 24% want Congress to continue in this direction—63% want a significantly different direction.3
The Republican-controlled Congress' approval ratings are at 29%—the lowest level since 1994 when Republicans swept into power.4
The wheels are coming off the right-wing machine. Tom DeLay is under indictment. Republican are having trouble finding good candidates. Business groups and religious conservatives are splitting. Even Karl Rove is under scrutiny.
On the issues, from Social Security to Iraq to drilling the Arctic, the public is rejecting the Bush agenda.
Americans say they trust Democrats over Republicans by 51% to 37%—the first time since 1992 that number has topped 50%.5
There are 3.3 million MoveOn members—together, we're bigger and stronger than ever.

Anna1, once again you win Idiot of the day.

Well with the continual left wing media spouting their rhetoric, what do you expect the polls to be.

But, I guess we will see in the next election, wont we? Oh yeah, and Bush isnt in the presidency for a popularity poll.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hillary Knows Health Care

George Bush and his Republican allies want us to think they share our concerns about making health care more accessible. But the reality is, they offer nothing but more of the same - help for those who need it the least, and everyone else is left out in the cold.

As Rose from Johnstown, NY wrote me: "If this administration has botched up the Medicare RX plan, making it so confusing, what will they do to a health care plan? I shudder to think of it. Whatever they attempt to do becomes a disaster except for helping their wealthy friends."