Thursday, June 29, 2006

Iraq poll taken in March and April, 2006

The results, The US is losing the war on terror in Iraq. On page A3 of the Conservative bias news print. Not on page one above the fold.
In a seperate poll 57 percent of Americans said the "war on terrorism" is going well.
A full 41 percent now say it's not going well. 59 percent said "the country is safer now then before Sept. 11th. 33 percent said "less safer".
In the poll of experts 45 Liberals, 40 moderates and 31 Conservatives. 84 percent said NO America is not winning the war on terror, 13 percent said Yes we are winning.
Asked whether the war in Iraq is helping or hurting the global anti-terrorism campaign?
87 percent said it was "under mining" those efforts.
The Iraq war was last years deadliest according to yearbook 2006 war monitors in Swedens International peace research institute.

The Conservative bias high court rules

According to Republicans, "no litmus test" was made in Bu$h appointing Conservative judges. Right, right, we hear ya.
The Supreme court ruled yesterday June 29th. in favor of former House Majority leader Tom Delays handiwork in Texas to redraw Congressional districts in Texas and favor Republicans.
The fix is in for next election, green light given by Supreme Court. Impeachment of Bush now stopped dead. Only Two justices decented, John Paul Stevens and Stephen Breyer.
Since the Constitution says adjustments can only be made after a "national census every decade" and only to account for "population shifts", I think we may have a skunk or two on the bench at the high court.

Also ruled 6-3 against Bush two Foreign suspects being held without a Lawyer contact. Is this a example "more" freedom. What about the rights under the 1969 treaty the USA signed? Gone?
The Guantanamo Bay Cuba as to if Bush has oversteped his authority.

The Constitution and all Americans had great victories this week!

Today brought a major victory for the rule of law –and a stunning defeat for the Bush Administration. Ruling 5-3 in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court overturned an appeals court’s determination that military detainees are not entitled to fundamental due process rights including the right to be present at their trials and the right to confront witnesses against them. The hallmark of American justice and that of most civilized nations is that everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and today’s ruling sends a strong signal to the president that his administration cannot continue to ignore the rule of law.

People For the American Way Foundation filed an amicus brief in the case.

More freedom. Is less in Ohio

Republicans in Ohio passed a new law. Yesterday Republican Gov. Bob Taft signed a bill to change tax-foreclosing. It has been made easier for local Governments to seize properties, in some cases without going to court. Now that's real freedom. The County can now take your home even if you pay back taxes to try and stop them.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

End the war, pull back to safe points

When brave Americans like Col. Hackworth, who really know war speak, I listen. Some put their head in the sand and ignore the wisdom to be found in their words. Those that do not know war and send others off to fight and die will never get it. Never. We lost 58,000 in Viet Nam because of the ignorance of those who said “stay the course” then.
As most know Republicans in Congress rejected calls for a re deployment of our troops by the end of 2007. The House and Senate leaders both lambasted Democrats for even talking about a pull out.
Calling Democrats, “defeatist”, “cut and run” and handing “Victory” to the terrorist, and so on.
Republicans were engaged in war of propaganda to pander to the core voters who still support Bu$h and the “stay the course” agenda. A small bunch of Republicans, Conservatives, Neo-Cons.
Next day fast forward, June 25,2206. Bu$h, Cheney, Rummy and their cronies are planing just that.
Turn to page two of the Conservative bias news. Not on front page. Next day.
According to a “Classified briefing”Gen. George Casey drafted a plan that projects sharp reductions in US military in Iraq by the end of 2007. From 14 combat brigades to 5 or 6 by December 2007.
A combat brigade is about 3500 troops. First cuts by December 2006. Who leaked this “Classified” information? Is that treason? As in the days of Viet Nam I guess the right hand may not know what the left hand is doing but don't bet the farm on that.
y guess would be Rummy was ordered by Bu$h to plan the draw down of troops, Rummy told Casey to do it and leak the information before next elections in Congress.

When real heros that really know war speak

Lies or the truth?

My raised eyebrows made him shake his head, and he went on: "I don't know what's worse. Killing people over political philosophy, like in my time, or for oil. Hey, at least this time we might get something for our blood. Like ol' Tecumseh Sherman said, 'Nations go to war when there is something to be got by it'. Now oil can be got by it. After a great start, we're gonna be no different than any other empire that came down the historical pike.

"And I know what you're gonna say next. 'He sponsors terrorism'. Where's the proof? I thought we were going after bin Laden for that. But wait, Afghanistan ain't got any oil. So we need another monster, who's got something worth taking. And Saddam is so damn convenient. Yeah, he's an evil sonovabitch who deserves to be taken out, but are we the ones who should do it? Are our kids the ones who should die for it? Is he worth another Wall like this?

Col Hackworth, USA 10 Silver Stars, 8 Purple Hearts,

Friday, June 23, 2006

got to love Millionaires

The Number of the worlds Millionaires grows,

In 1996 there were 4.5 million millionaires world wide, Now there ate 8.7 million.
A millionaires is defined as people with financial assets of at least $1 million, excluding their primary residence home value.
Millionaires were worth $33.3 trillion in 2005. Up from $30.7 trillion in 2004.
There were 85,400 people with assets of more than $30 million in 2005. a 10.2 percent increase form 2004 when they only numbered 77,500.
They invested in at 31 percent of assets. Most investments were made in the Asia-Pacific region in a shift away from North America and Europe.
North America had the greatest number of Millionaires at 2.9 million with over $10.2 trillion in wealth.
The high net worth population in North America too a nose dive from 9.9 percent in 2004 down to 6.9 percent in 2005. High enders are those with more than $30 million.

When neo-cons speak know it's a lie.

"Through this process, Swift received significant protections and assurances as to the purpose, confidentiality, oversight and control of the limited sets of data produced under the subpoenas," Swift said in a statement. "Independent audit controls provide additional assurance that these protections are fully complied with."
Treasury Secretary John Snow suggested the program was limited in scope and wasn't an effort to snoop on law-abiding Americans.
"It is not a fishing expedition but rather a sharp harpoon aimed at the heart of terrorist activity," Snow said in a statement.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

A liberal and a Republican

Yesterday I met a liberal,he was sleeping in a hall-way in a Building I went into. He ask me for a smoke, I told him no, don't use them. Then he ask me for money to eat, I told him, I had no money to give him. Then he ask me if I knew of a place he could sleep that night since he was homeless. I looked at him close, he seemed in good health and able to work. I told him of a local Homeless shelter in our town.
I then told him, if you go there I will be happy to pay for your meal. A hot bath and a clean bed to sleep in. I am happy to help you in this way because I am a Christian not because I am a Democrat. Then I went home and wrote another check to the Homeless shelter, a small amount was all I could afford.
At the Gas station I met a Republican, he cut in line in front of me and 3 others to pay. I told Him "That's alright go ahead, we will all stand here and wait our turn".
He said " I don't want to hurt you", I said "I don't want to hurt you as well but we have the decentcy to do what we learned in kindergarten, be polite, wait your turn."
He seemed to be made angry and went out fast and with a red face"
I think it was Rush Limbaugh. He looked like he might be on drugs to me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Greg C wrote this

" “Hate fear and personal attacks...Soundss like what you just did by calling a republican a neo-con. Just becuase someone else has different views than you, you fear them and fight them by calling them names or asking frivilous questions such as this one in order to launch a debate to try and prove some sort of point that doesn't even exist. Try getting along with your fellow man and accepting differences of opinion. Just because people have a different view other than yours as to how they think things should be handled or taken care of doesn't mean they don't care just like it doesn't mean you don't care about your community, state or country even though you have an obvious bitternes towards others who don't think like you. So who hates fears and personally attacks who here? "

First do you know how to use the spell checker? Try it.
Next, do you ever read any History? Where was this comment when Clinton was being called every hateful name in the book and still is by most Neo_cons/Conservative/Republicans, they are filled with hatred, it rules their life. Your views are yours and you are free to have them as you wish, Just don't respect the truth if that's how you live. I respect the truth above all.
The dictator Bush has never told the truth about anything in Office and Conservatives love lies, Rush lies all the time. A Godly man would not lie with every word from his mouth as Bush does, I don't. Do you make over $300,000 per year? If yes, than you got the tax cuts you voted for not me. I am a brick layer.
BTW, do you Neocons really think the word "liberal" draws blood, hint, does not. Again you need to read some History, we lost 58,000 in Nam and it was "Liberals" who stopped that war. One of the Liberal groups was in fact the church's in America.

Tell your Senator to support Kerry- Feingold

Our troops have served valiantly in Iraq. Under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, they've done their job. Now, it's time to put the future of Iraq where it belongs: in the hands of the Iraqi people and their leaders. And it's time to listen to General George Casey and acknowledge that the indefinite presence of large numbers of U.S. combat forces in Iraq will weaken chances of defeating the insurgency and weaken our ability to fight the global terrorist networks that threaten us today.
In recent days, we've seen Republican leaders in the House and Senate shamelessly reject the opportunity for a genuine, meaningful debate on Iraq. They've resorted to a Karl Rove strategy of blindly endorsing President Bush's failed "stay the course" policy in Iraq and challenging the courage and patriotism of anyone who dares to point out the disastrous consequences of their failed approach.
It's time for every Senator to reject the lack of wisdom in their Iraq policies and the lack of decency in their Iraq politics. Click on the Title words above.
Tell your Senators: support the Kerry-Feingold Amendment on Iraq

Friday, June 16, 2006

FallMart, they love lies

The more important question for the future isn't whether Wal-Mart is a force for good or evil in the American economy, but whether the economic benefits provided by Wal-Mart can be preserved even if their labor compensation is dramatically improved," economists Jared Bernstein and Josh Bivens wrote.
They concluded that if Wal-Mart reduced its profit margin to about 2.9 percent, where it stood in 1997, from the 3.6 percent margin it recorded last year, that would free up some $2.3 billion to pay workers without raising prices. That works out to just under $2,100 per non-managerial employee, the researchers calculated.
They noted that rival Costco Wholesale Corp. posted a profit margin of about 2 percent in 2005. The study did not mention Target Corp., Wal-Mart's biggest competitor in the discount sector, which reported a 4.7 percent profit margin for last year.
In a telephone interview, Bivens said his research was aimed at refuting "outsized" claims that Wal-Mart saved consumers hundreds of billions of dollars and that its margins were so thin that it simply could not afford to pay employees more without forcing low-income consumers to foot the bill.
"I always thought that they had really, really tight profit margins," he said. "They're really a microcosm of the U.S. economy. They are very, very good at generating income, but it needs to be spread out more equitably."
His research refuted many of the findings from the Global Insight study released last year regarding how much money Wal-Mart saved consumers.
Jim Dorsey, a spokesman for Global Insight, said the research firm stood by the accuracy and methodology of its study, which was independently reviewed.
"Our study produced estimates of Wal-Mart's impact on prices and consumer savings that make common sense and are consistent with the findings of other rigorous, peer-reviewed studies on the subject," he said.
In its criticism of Global Insight's findings, the Economic Policy Institute's paper does not properly account for the indirect impact of Wal-Mart on prices."
Wal-Mart said that its stores were good for U.S. working families, and noted that they created tens of thousands of jobs last year, many of them in underserved neighborhoods.
The retailer also criticized the Economic Policy Institute as "funded by big labor."
"We will treat the findings of this study with the same amount of skepticism as other statements made by labor leaders who oppose us," Wal-Mart spokesman Kevin Thornton said. "We are proud of the economic impact we have on communities -- from the job opportunities we provide, to the money we save working families, to the tax revenue we generate, to the contribution we make to local charitable organizations," he added.
Thornton said Wal-Mart's average full-time wage is $10.11 per hour, and the retailer does market analysis to ensure its wages are competitive. He noted that Wal-Mart offers 18 different health care plans that cost as little as $11 per month in some areas.
Bivens and Bernstein concluded: "Wal-Mart does a lot right. It has expanded productivity by being more efficient and leaner than many other companies. Many of the benefits shoppers accrue from Wal-Mart's expansion could be preserved even if the retailer had to meet the expectations of its critics regarding fair worker compensation."

Senate vote was 93-6 on end of war by 2007.

Kerry and only 5 other Democrats voted for a end to war by year end 2006, the debate was ended, Republicans don't even want debate on the issue, they want silence.
Republicans in the Ohio House don't get it. Republicans in the Federal Congress don't get it. Iraq was a mistake form the start and 75 percent of Americans agree. Republicans will never admit to being wrong, that is a fundamental part of being Republican. This mistake cost Working Class tax payers over $ 2 trillion over the next ten years, above that Tax payers have lost over 2500 brave Americans and tax payers have over 15,000 wounded. The Republican always sends others to do their dirty work and ask others to pay for their mistakes.
If you have never been in war then you know nothing about war. They don't get it. They never will get it. Never. War is hell, war is about killing. Our service people do the job, they follow orders.
This is what all Republicans don't get. What Republicans will never talk about. Why the Republicans are wrong. A terrorist will never fight our Service men face to face, a terrorist does his dirty work behind our backs. Why would you think a terrorist would fight our service men in Iraq? Why do you think a terrorist would dare come to America and face any American in a face to face fair fight? Are you really that stupid?
In Vietnam we lost 58,000 brave Americans because of the same stupidity. gorilla warfare can not be won, over time Russia learned this in Afghanistan, how many died?
Republicans like to say “Democrats” started the Vietnam war, which is a lie. The CIA was caught in the act. That is fact.
Republicans also like to say “more people died in Columbus Ohio last year then in Iraq”. Or “more people die from car accidents then in Iraq”. They don't get it. One is too many. One.
If we did not invade Iraq and occupy that country one service person would not have died there because of your mistake.
This is the choice every American must make. Stay 30 years, leave now. Of course i don't mean tell the enemy when you will leave, only a idiot like DeWine, who knows nothing about war would be that stupid. I do mean withdraw to a safe distance. strike when needed and fall back, that is exactly what we should do. That is what Senator John Kerry supports. That is what Congressmen Murtha supports, they know war.

Republicans, skip the Country Club lunch today, miss a day of gulf, read the link below and tell Americans the truth. I read it in 5 mins. I also found it very easy to comprehend. You may need a whole day for comprehension.
It's the Congressional record, Of August 6-7, 1964. page 18132-33. Read the words by the Democrats, Mr. Gruening and Democrat Mr. Morse several times if needed.

Now read Nixons speech of November 3, 1969. Nixon was inaugurated on January 20.

The Vietnam war had lasted 4 years, 31,000 Americans had been killed. 540,000 Americans were in Vietnam. Training of the South Vietnamese was behind schedule. President Kennedy had sent 16,000 troops as combat advisers SEVEN yes 7 years ago.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

For those of you who hate Bill and Hillary, :)

WASHINGTON - Life after the White House has proven lucrative for former President Clinton, who made nearly $7.5 million in speaking fees last year and sometimes earned as much as $350,000 for a single appearance.
Clinton earned a staggering $650,000 for just two appearances in two days before major gatherings in Canada by motivational speaker Tony Robbins, according to the financial disclosure report filed Wednesday by his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Rodam Clinton.
As a senator, Mrs. Clinton is required to report her spouse's income as well as her own.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

depends on what the meaning of "is" is,

For Republicans it's no big deal to lie to a grand Jury. It's only impeachable if it “is” a Clinton. Not a crime when Carl Rove lies to obstruct justice.

WASHINGTON - Top White House aide Karl Rove has been told by prosecutors he won't be charged with any crimes in the investigation into the leak of a CIA officer's identity, his lawyer said Tuesday, lifting a heavy burden from one of Bush's most trusted advisers.
Rove testified five times before a grand jury, most recently in April. He has admitted he spoke with columnist Robert Novak and Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper in the days before they published Plame's name in July 2003.
Rove, however, did not originally tell prosecutors about his conversation with Cooper, only revealing it after his lawyer discovered a White House e-mail that referred to it.
Fitzgerald was investigating whether Rove lied or obstructed justice in failing to initially disclose the conversation. The presidential aide blamed a faulty memory and sought to testify before the grand jury after finding the e-mail to correct his testimony.
The threat of indictment had hung over Rove, even as Rove was focusing on the arduous task of halting Bush's popularity spiral and keeping Democrats from capturing the House or Senate in November elections.
Clinton should have blamed a “faulty memory” as Rove did. The lesson here is that when you commit Treason you should blame a faulty memory, that works for Bush.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Guantanamo Prison

There are 460 "enemiy combatants" being held in Guantanamo, Cuba. Some since Jan.,2002.
None have been charged and none have had a day in court. 300 or so have also been released. There have been 41 suicide attempts and 131 are on a hunger strike.
As most know this is not the first time the USA rounded up "suspects" and put them in prison as "enemy combatants" the USA arrested many Japanesse Americans.

Friday, June 09, 2006

repeal of Estate Tax

Republicans got a major set back on one of their crown Jewels in the agenda today in the Senate, the vote was 57-41 short of the 60 majority they needed. Hats off to Republican senator Voinovich who for once did the right thing and voted for the people. He mostly votes against the views of those he represents and for Special Interest groups. DeWine (as always) voted with the special interest and against the people he represents.
Both admitted the truth, that the estate tax contributes little to federal Income and the repeal was just another example of pandering to a few very wealthy at the expense of those that do pay taxes.
Voinovich for once took a conservative point of view in that he was not willing to support a tax cut for the wealthy while Federal Spending is in such a mess with massive federal Deficits as far as the eye can see into the next 20 years.
Sen. John Kyl tried to slip in a compromise which also failed. He wanted to exempt those estates over $ 5 million for a single person and $ 10 million for a married couple. Most Americans are already exempt from the estate tax but the Republican Vote was just for pandering the issue to a small special group, nothing more. A ploy in order get more votes in mid term elections.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Please support wind power on the great lakes

I would think that those who oppose windmills on the Great Lakes would wake up. They need to face the real world and the problems of the burning of fossil fuels. The supply is not unlimited. Yes i know it will ruin the view out your window of the lake. It may even devalue your property investment but you need to think of the common good. Be American not just Republicans. Yes some birds will fly into them and be killed. Yes some areas will be restricted from pleasure boating and this could harm the tourist business. Are you in that business? The alternative is that the business will be harmed anyway with higher fuel cost's for your Yachts and big boats.

Yes they will be 400 feet high and yes their may be 600 of them but Wind power over water is twice that of Wind power over land. I am not happy with a Airport close by. I am not happy they took a wet land field next to me and put in apartments but I am American, I do see the common good. I also know that progress will take place even when I am dead and can not stop it. I deal with real life. not a life of, what is in this for me? Republicans need to deal with real life and be Americans first. Give up the fight to stop Alternative energy and join the “main stream” who wants to do what they can to stop Americas “thirst for oil”, sell your SUV to a Arab. Support Wind power on the Great lakes.
As a Republicans you may not understand that the Great Lakes are public property and that the public should benefit from use of that public property with lower Electric bills. I know that's a hard concept to except for you.

As Republicans you have supported drilling in ANWAR for many years, that's public property, you support giving the oil rights to Corporations. The same Corporation you own stock in would reap the profit from the use of public land. How about if we give the Wind rights to the Corporations (that you own stock in), would you then support wind power on the Great lakes? Would you give up your view?
Would you be Americans first and not just Republicans?

BTW, I am a “tree hugging” Democratic leaning liberal. The Airport cost local Tax payers $2 million and the apartments built next to me on my wet land field will bring in the investors $20,700 per month.
These apartments do block my view of the pond behind them.