Sunday, September 11, 2005

To KistnM

Ty for your visit. BTW, I voted for Nader and after the fraud in our last two elections I will never vote again.
It is a fact that who ever has the most money wins. It is also a fact that we no longer live in a Democracy, we live in a dictatorship.
Congress is in my opinion worthless and useless. The bribes and payoffs in Congress are very well known to any who really want to become educated and informed. many prefer to remain spoon fed by FOX and CNN. I hate TV. All Propaganda, just like under Hitler.

Sunday Sept. 11th. We Cry for America

The September 11th, Terrorist attack on N.Y. City was the greatest failure of our Government in Americas history. At no other time in history has our own Government been shown to be so ineffective and so incompetent.
No one in the Bush Administration was ask to resign because of there failure. Not Rice, not Powel, not even Rummy who was responsible for the Defense of our country.
GWB was re-elected in spite of his failure.
Congress held hearings and did nothing, no lessons were learned. They all took a oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the U.S.A.. Failures all.
When you do not learn from your mistakes you fail twice.

Now we all see after the hurricane in the Gulf Coast that the Government is no more ready now for "a event" than it was on Sept. 11th., 2001. Failure is a way of life and now acceptable in Americas view.

Hey Congress, I have a idea, lets give the reconstruction contract to Haliburton, no bid of course. We all know the VP in the White House needs the Money..
We all also know that Haliburton gives big bucks to the Republicans..

Obama was asked on ABC's "This Week" whether there was racism in the lack of evacuation planning for poor, black residents of New Orleans. He said he would not refer to the government response in that way, but said there was a much deeper, long-term neglect.
"Whoever was in charge of planning was so detached from the realities of inner city life in New Orleans ... that they couldn't conceive of the notion that they couldn't load up their SUV's, put $100 worth of gas in there, put some sparkling water and drive off to a hotel and check in with a credit card," Obama said.
"There seemed to be a sense that this other America was somehow not on people's radar screen. And that, I think, does have to do with historic indifference on the part of government to the plight of those who are disproportionately African-American." He added that "passive indifference is as bad as active malice."

Friday, September 09, 2005

More tax cuts for the wealthy in the works

The CBO predicts a $331 billion deficit by year end under GWB and the Repubs. in Congress, nice job boys and girls. You have done well lining the pockets of your wealthy contributors at the expense of the poor and working class Americans. BTW, did ya ever consider the failing infrastructure in the U.S.A.? You guys and gals.?
As i said "organized crime is alive and well in America", it's called Congress by some..
The Deficit will be $ 370 billion by 2009 year end.
By 2015 the deficit will hit $ 640 billion, our children's children will pay pay and pay.. You have mortgaged there future with tax cuts for the wealthy and chicken feed for those that work for a living.
Do the words "miserable failure" ring any bells in Congress and when will the American people wake up to the stealing and payoffs?
Hey, i got a idea for Congress. Lets spend $600 billion and invade some other country under false information and blame the C.I.A.
Another idea for Congress, lets save back about $60 billion in case we have a bad hurricane. Or hey lets steal some cash from Social Security, them old folks will never miss it.. We could steal it and call it "privatized".

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Advise and Consent, not rubber stamp.

It is unfair and just plain wrong to ask Senators to give John Roberts the up or down vote for the U.S. Supreme Court as Repubs. On T.V. say they want you to support.
In the first place the White House should release records about John Roberts for when he Served under G. H. Bush, the Sr., they will not. These are public records. How can the Senate vote without the facts in hand? What Repubs. want is for the Senate to rubber stamp Bush’s nomination and that is not how the framers of our Constitution intended for the process be. The Congress has the right to advise and consent. Members of Congress took a oath to protect and defend the Constitution, they need to keep that solemn promise.
In the second place no vote on Roberts should be taken until G.W.B. tells Congress who he will nominate to replace Justice
Sandra Day O'Conner. I suspect another right wing conservative who will march to the tune of the Corporations who run America.
America is no longer "of the people, by the people", that's long gone. America is ran by the Corporations in power and we all know the Corporation has no interest in the rights of "the people".

Monday, September 05, 2005

Day 8, Monday Sept. 5th., 2005

We see now on CNN that there are 51,000 troops in the Gulf Coast area. Half the number needed by Tuesday or Wendsday of last week.
The biggest problem with FEMA is that agency is under The Department of Homeland Security and the Repubs. who changed that were wrong. They will never admit to being wrong.
The problem with the Federal Response to the Hurricain is that no one with real Laeadership qualities is in Federal office.
Mike Brown managed horse show judges before FEMA. He is also a bad Lawyer. As a matter of record.
Joe Alba was G.W.B.s campain manager before he headed FEMA.
Alba and Mike Brown are close freinds.
120,000 people who make less than $8000 per year did not get out of New Orleans.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Leadership or lack of a real clue

The day after the hurricane GWB was playing Gulf and he got a guitar given to him by one of his fans. If i were a Repub. i would be embarrassed by this clown and his lack of Leadership.
The Local, State and Federal Government had over 36 hours advance notice of the hurricane. The line was drawn in the Gulf sea. Not in Iraq.. Why were no troops pre positioned 200 miles inland of the Gulf Coast area? Why did one national Guard Commander say on CNN that there was a lack of hellicopters and aircraft? GOD only knows.
A real leader would already know what to do. If we had one in Office..
By executive order Saturday mail should be stopped. The gas could be diverted to the Gulf Coast. The overtime and straight time saved could be used to stop another increase in stamps..
By executive order Jet fuel production should be reduced by 10 percent with another 10 percent cut in the next 3 months. Airlines should be put on a budget like i am, cut back.
Instead of making jet fuel they could make more gas which would increase supply and lower the price we pay. The Idiot said "don't buy gas if ya don't need it", sheeesh, I buy gas all the time when i don't need it. I store it underground, right!, Idiot..
After the price of gas goes down, 20 percent could be diverted to Home heating oil to increase supply.
Of course this will not happen. The Repubs.. Will not help consumers who pay taxes. They will not cut profits for the airlines. They will not adverseley effect "bussines" mail. Let them pay a premium for Saturday mail, I say. They have no compassion. They never had any.
By executive order all training flights should be cut back by 10 percent to save fuel which is being wasted. I say wasted because if they have fuel it should be used in the Gulf Coast not over the corn fields.. I see them everyday..

past notes saved on Yahoo

Monday, December 6, 2004
WASHINGTON - An Army specialist, saying it was "a question of fairness,"
filed a lawsuit Monday with seven other soldiers challenging a policy
forcing them to serve in Iraq beyond their terms of enlistment.

"I served five months past my one-year obligation and I feel that it's
time to let me go back to my wife," David Qualls told a news conference.

Qualls and seven other reserve members filed a suit in federal court
seeking a judge's order to require the Army to immediately release them
from service.

Other soldiers have filed similar suits over the past year, but this was
believed to be the first by active duty service members.

The lawsuit contends the policy is a breach of the service contract
because it extends the length of service without a soldier's consent.
It also alleges the contracts were misleading because they make no
reference to the policy, said Staughton Lynd, an attorney for the

Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, an Army spokesman, said he could not respond to
the lawsuit because the Pentagon had not yet reviewed the filing, but he
defended the policy as necessary to maintain cohesive units in the war
on terror.

>>>>BLOG>>>>>Some polls mater and some don't. This is one poll that
A group of children were ask the quesion. What would you wish for if you
were homeless? Simple Question, not tricky, right?
Food and a good house. responded 13 fourth graders.
a blanket and warm clothing said two.
some pillows said one.
a nice bed with cozy blankets said two.
a education said one.
I think poor people need alot of help said one.
I would wish for good friends said two.
Nice cloths and shoes said one.
a friend to keep me company said one.
A nice family to love me and take care of me and to teach me nice
things, said 6 respondents.

One said, "I would be able to give my family my love and care. I would
give friendship and my goodness. I would write them a poem, and draw them
a picture. I could give them my time. I could visit them often. I could
mail them a note."

A car, a kewl one said one.
>>>BLOG>>Who were the parents that taught this child a car was important
when a child is homeless? Who are these people?

>>>BLOG>>> Did our "liberal" public school system teach these values?
Would you Neocons consider these children to be the "liberals" that you
hate? One of these children could become one of our future leaders.
I for one would far prefer the "Liberal" leaning among us all. For it's
true that "there but for the grace of GOD go I".

Children are told "it's not nice to hate", it's not nice to hit others",
it is good to "want and need freinds", it is good to "love others as
we love ourselves", and it's good to "help the poor." Why do adults
forget or lose site of the simple lessons of a child?

>>>>BLOG>>>> Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, 30 east broad st.,
Columbus, Ohio, 43266-0418. 614-466-4980.

Dear Mr. Secretary,

I read your story in the local paper about how "the election process is
just fine and went really well". Considering 21 lawsuits, I am not sure I
agree with your professional opinion. Also Considering you were not one of the
sick and ederly that stood in line to vote, i'm sure you have your point
of view. After all you did not stand in the rain and you were not one
of those who became exausted and sadly left without voting. You were also
not one of the one million voters nationally removed from the lists.

My questions are simple. 1) How many Provisional ballots were printed in the
11,477 precincts in Ohio? The State paid for them, the company that
printed them billed the State by count. You must know this number or your
office may be able to tell me who does know this number?
Also I would like to know. 2) How many absentee ballots were counted...?
3) Where are the missing ballots now?
BTW, to answer you must count what you have on hand not used.
Example, number of absentee ballots printed (-) number not used = number
number of absentee ballots counted = number
Where are the missing ballots now?
Please reply as soon as possible, thanks, Jack09

>>>>BLOG>>>> Medicaid is the nations largest provider of health care.

>>>>BLOG>>> The Ohio "temporary" sales tax increase raised $2.5 billion
over 2 years for the State of Ohio.

>>>BLOG>>> Since the White House, the House of Reps. and the Senate are
all controled by Repubs. does this mean that the 55 million who voted for
John Kerry are the victims of "taxation without representation" and now
could be a part of a class action lawsuit under the Constitution?

Example; Cowtowndoc, owes $40,000 in back federal taxes.
If each of 40,000 tax payers donate one dollar we could set up a lawyer
esgrow account. The Money would be held in esgrow until the law suit is
settled. Interest could pay the Lawyer. The Lawyer could file on behalf
of Cowtowndoc and 55 million other taxpayers. Asking for all taxes paid
in 2005 to be refunded to the tax payers. Grounds for the Class action
lawsuit would be "taxation without representation." The burden of prof
would be on the Government to prove how the Repubs. in Congress did in
fact represent the tax payer in 2005 "Cowtowndoc" and 55 million others.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans hurricane

If F.E.M.A. had 500 buses available for use. Why were they not used before the storm hit? Federal Officials had more than 5 days warning. Buses should have been used for a manditory evacuation. Had they moved people before the storm they would not be now pluckin them off of roof tops.
Had they used the buses before the storm they also would not be moving 23,000 from New Orleans to Huston. Who is running F.E.M.A.?
I don't know the answer but I do know that person should resign.