Thursday, December 29, 2005

Congress is useless

Only one year ago the number of people collecting un-employment was 2.75 million in America. Now at year end as of Dec. 17th. the number is down. The Bush propaganda machine will make much of the "down" and say nothing about the fact that it's still 2.72 million.
analyst predict that another 200,000 jobs were added in December, and that unemployeement will hold steady at 5 percent.
Neo-cons are doing well under the Bu$h tax cuts, white collar workers income rose 4.8 percent as of Sept., 2004 . While Blue collar workers rose only 2.2 percent. Food store workers only rose by 1.9 percent.
Based on numbers through Christmas, retailers are on track to post a modest 3.3 percent increase in anual sales over last year.
Layoffs and Store closings are planned by almost all sectors.
56 percent of people surveyed said they received a gift card.
Up from 48 percent last year. They will be using the card to buy at a deeply discounted price after the holidays which will not result in the higher profit returns needed by retailers.
Currently 45 million Americans have no basic healthcare and half of that number are women and children. The Medicare drug plan passed by Congress gave $250 billion to drug makers.
American Tax payers are spending $6 billion per month in Iraq.
The economy is just great. All rise and bow down.
As I have said "Congress is useless'. Congress does not represent the will of the people and Congress does not "provide for the common good".
The NSA has an estimated $6 billion annual budget, bigger than that of the F.B.I. and C.I.A. combined, Congress has very little oversight as to how that money is spent.
In 1978, congressional investigations revealed that the NSA had spied on civilian anti-war protesters during Vietnam. The response was the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. To prevent future abuses, the act drew a line between foreign intelligence and domestic law enforcement. The NSA was free to spy abroad, but when its agents wanted to wiretap in the United States, they had to ask a secret FISA court for a warrant. It was easy enough to get the warrants: Officials had to show probable cause that the person they were after was an agent of a foreign power.

The following year, as Washington began its full-court press for an invasion of Iraq, the NSA launched a surge of eavesdropping on delegates to the U.N. Security Council in New York. The operation was revealed when an English eavesdropper leaked an NSA e-mail requesting British assistance in the effort. It was a front-page story in Europe and around the world, but the American press didn't run with it, showing a level of deference to NSA secrecy matched only by Congress. Nevermind that the eavesdropping took place in Manhattan and violated the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Headquarters Agreement for the United Nations, and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, all of which the United States has signed.

Friday, December 23, 2005

How do I find my IP address?

First click on control panel then left click twice or "open" Network connections. Left click on "view network connections" at left if needed then Left click twice on the Local Area connection. You will see another window open. On the General tab note message " Status=connected" Speed= "what ever your speed is".
left click once or "open" the Support tab. IP address= "what ever".
Note: there is a "repair" button. And Note: In order for a Home office network to work. The first 6 numbers must be the same on all networked computers.
Example mine: on computer (A) and on my laptop computer (B). The subnet Mask address must be exactly the same on all computers on the network.
Example mine= on both computer (A) and computer (B)

how do I test my speakers?

On the lower left of the Desktop find Start. Left click once on START, then Left click the RUN, then type in "dxdiag", of course without quotes.
This will bring up Direct X Diagnostic Tool, in a new window. The screen may go black for a few seconds but will return.
Click on the "sound" tab. Set your hardware acceleration to 3/4 level, then click the
"test Direct Sound" button. A warning will appear and ask you if you want to proceed, left click once on YES. IF your speakers are plugged in and turned up to full volume you should hear a sound play. If yes you do hear a sound left click YES, the test will run again, when done left click cancel.
This means Active X controls are installed properly and working properly.
Under notes you should see message "no problems found".

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Congress is useless, failures at oversight

Today the Presidents lawyer Attorney General William E. Moschella informed Congress about Spying in the U.S.A..
After the fact is not the same. The law is clear, Special Courts were set up to issue warrants. This is a impeachable act.
Openly admitted to by the President.
There are many in America who do not support and defend the rule of law when it's there Party that violates the law.
Is this the kind of Democracy they want in Iraq? No respect for the law.
Yes, I agree, the president is responsible for protecting all Americans but he is not above the law. So where was he on Sept. 11th? Richard Clark was in the White House doing Rice and Rummys jobs for them. While Cheney was hiding in the White House bunker with Rice. Rummy was hiding in the pentagon bunker watching planes that enter the White House Air space on FAA radar. Rummy had to see the plane coming at the Pentagon on the FAA radar. No missile's were launched to stop the plane. Bush had not given the order to shoot down civilian Aircraft who enter the White House Air Space. Rummy had not given the order to shoot down incoming civilian planes that enter the Pentagon airspace. I guess. Since Rummy will invoke "National Security" to protect his own failures we may never know the truth. Rummy should have been fired if he did not give this order and if he saw the incoming plane on FAA radar at the Pentagon were he was hiding in a bunker.
Rice was there, Cheney was there. Why was no one in the White House fired for there failure?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Another First for the White House

This President has another first in the history of our Country.
This President is the first president to admit to a Impeachable offense while in office. He tried to use the information about spying on Americans to gain favor with Americans as being tough on Terror. He is slipping fast in the polls and Repubs. Are starting to jump ship. His Pony show written by Carl Rove for the President was in fact the open mouth and insert foot again.
Under This President someone in the White House openly committed treason. The outing of a active, colvert C.I.A. agent is treason. I do not think Schooter will go to prison for Cheney and Gw. He will roll over and cut a deal for his testimony.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

let em eat dirt like in Africa

Iraq is costing tax payers $6 billion per Month. We are building schools and putting Iraq in new sewers. GOD help the U.S.A.

Profits for major Corporations are doing really well. Oil Companies are rolling in cash. All good news on TV news.

Not in the News at 6 pm.

Verizon will cut pensions to save $3 billion over 10 years. U.S. employers ranging from General Motors Corp. to IBM are seeking ways to curb rising pension costs.

Only in America, I love my Country. I do not love the misguided and flat out wrong priorities of Congress.
If Congress was in fact about doing the will of the people then Congress would shut off the funds for Iraqis.
I do not support Welfare. If Iraq wants to borrow money for Sewers and schools let them get it from where we borrow the Interest on that National debt, that would be China and Japan.

the pills given our service men are part of the problem

Army deploys the mentally ill in order in to meet challenges in Iraq
UPI recently reveled that the U.S. Army has been deploying soldiers that have failed their mental health screenings.

This may account for the extreme suicide rate among soldiers serving in Iraq and those coming home. Soldiers in Iraq or those that have returned home are 66.6% more likely to commit suicide than the average person in the U.S.

A drug develop by the Army to help combat malaria, may be a contributing factor. Eleven veterans that committed suicide were on the drug Lariam. The Army forces soldiers to take the drug in predeployment vaccinations. The FDA warns that Lariam can cause thoughts of suicide, depression, anxiety, paranoia, delusions and psychosis that can occur long after taking the drug.

One in 10 soldiers evacuated from theater operations are mental health casalities.

Friday, December 09, 2005

need help with your PC shutting down or locking up?

After you turn on your puter, hold down the F8 key before windows starts to load. This will start Windows in safe mode. When safe mode is running left click once on START, then RUN. Type in "chkdsk /r" with no quotes. The "Backslash /r" is a switch which invokes "repair". This will run check disk and repair any bad clusters on the hard drive. Next click OK. Check disk will tell you can't run now but ask if you want to run next time the computer is started, Type Y for yes.
Click , Start "restart computer". Reboot.
After the reboot "chkdsk" will run all by itself. It will test the drive and fix bad clusters for you. It will produce a report, read fast. Next the computer will restart on it's own.
Next run Defrag, left click Start, Accessories, System tools, Disk Defragmenter.
Highlight (or left click once the drive you are defragmenting, in most cases that would be "C" drive. Then left click "analyze". Then left click "defragment.
Get a cup of tea and wait. Do not spill the tea on the keyboard.
After defrag is done you can left click view report, or left click close. The report will tell you any files that did not Defragment and where they are. When I get files that will not Defragment I always run CHKDSK again in safe mode, then run Defragment again, sometimes it gets them the second time, for some strange reason know only to GOD and Bill Gates.

freedom, freedom, freedom, only a dream

Tell your senators to filibuster the USA PATRIOT Act by signing this emergency petition! Copy and paste the link below into your brouser.

If passed:

* … the Justice Department will retain the authority to investigate American citizens without judicial oversight, a power that is invoked more than 30,000 times each year.
* … the government will still be able to search individuals' private property without notifying them.
* … authorities will still be able to search citizens' library records, medical records, school records, and financial records virtually unchecked by the judiciary.

The Senate has an opportunity to take a stand for one of Americans' most cherished traditions --the right to be free from government intrusion.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Some call this freedom, I call it out of control

Jack Said this: Interesting to note that one person was not allowed to enter the USA at the Atlanta Airport but the 19 Hi Jackers used the Airports before Sept. 11th..
Sept. 11th, was the greatest failure of our Government in the history of our country and no one was fired. Congress also did nothing.

Anthony Romero, ACLU executive director, said Masri's case highlighted the "culture of impunity" that has developed under the administration of US President George W. Bush.

"It should go without saying that forcibly kidnapping foreign citizens, holding them without access to a lawyer and brutalizing them is not only illegal but immoral," he said.

The ACLU said Masri's arrest was linked to the CIA's rendition program, which allows US agents to arrest terrorist suspects and transfer them abroad for interrogation without going through the courts.

The practice has been widely denounced by human rights groups and has caused a furor in European countries, some of which allegedly hosted secret CIA prisons.

Masri said his ordeal began when guards at the Macedonian border with Serbia stopped his tourist bus on New Year's Eve 2003 and confiscated his passport.
He said after 23 days of interrogation in a hotel in Skopje, he was blindfolded and taken by US agents to what he believed was an airport. Once there, he was taken into a room, stripped naked and photographed.
He said a firm object, believed to be an enema, was forced into his anus before he was put in diapers and a jumpsuit. He was then loaded onto a plane and given an injection that made him pass out. He awoke in a jail cell in Kabul.
Masri said over the next several months, interrogators repeatedly asked him whether he was acquainted with Mohamed Atta, one of the September 11 hijackers, whether he had attended Palestinian training camps and whether he associated with alleged extremists in his German hometown of Ulm.
The suit charges that not long after Masri was flown to Afghanistan, Tenet was informed he was innocent but that nonetheless he remained in custody for two additional months.
Masri said he was finally flown to Albania on May 28, 2004 and left on a deserted hilltop. He returned home to find his house empty, as his family had relocated to Lebanon.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Cindy Knows

Congress should require the President to conduct at least 2 news conferences per month. The President of the U.S.A. should now be forced to answer questions by reporters. As is is now his Press Secretary avoids every issue and gets away with it. This is not in the peoples interest. Congress is not about doing the peoples business. Tony Blair faces his opposition all the time. The President should stop passing the buck to others.

This says it all

The "shock jock" Howard Stren gets $100 million for 5 years from Sirius Radio. A 5 year Contract. God tell me. What's is wrong with Americas Priorities.?

At the same time in a sad contradiction, Cindy Sheehan's anti-war adds are "in-appropriate for listeners".

Friday, December 02, 2005

Yes we have not had another Sept. 11th. but are we any safer now?

Congress established the 10-member, bipartisan commission in 2002 to investigate government missteps that led to the 9/11 attacks. It issued its findings — that the United States could not protect its citizens from the attacks because it underestimated al-Qaida — in a sweeping July 2004 report.

But since then, any sense of urgency by Congress and the Bush administration to safeguard key national vulnerabilities has dissolved or gotten tangled up in turf wars, the former commissioners said.

The group now operating as the 9/11 Public Discourse Project began a series of hearings in June to examine what it described as the government's unfinished agenda in the campaign to secure the country. It will issue a report Monday grading the government's overall response to its recommendations as well as assessing Washington's performance on each of a dozen potential problem areas.

"This is an end-of-the-game summary," said former Republican commissioner Slade Gorton.

Added former Democratic commissioner Jamie Gorelick: "No parent would be happy with this report card."

A spokesman at the
Homeland Security Department declined comment until the report is issued. Spokespeople at the House and Senate homeland security committees had no immediate comment Friday.

Give them time to crank out the propaganda, they will respond.
No Comment, No Comment, No press conferences by the White House, un-scripted replys are out. No questions, we do not do questions by the American People in this White House.
In this White House they take "working Vacations" but they do not do press conferences.

The Propaganda machine is pumping it out..

Iraq is Just Like Nam, the Governement lied then and it lies now.
Someone needs to provide real leadership in the White House, Congress seems to be useless and ineffective, what happen to the role of Congress in oversite?

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A roadside bomb killed 10 Marines and wounded 11 while they were on a foot patrol near Fallujah, the Marine Corps said Friday, in the deadliest attack on American troops in nearly four months. Thursday's bomb, which was made from several large artillery shells, struck members of Regimental Combat Team 8 of the 2nd Marine Division near the city about 30 miles west of Baghdad, the Marine Corps said.

Iraq's security forces have "a long way to go" to deal with the bloody insurgency and violent crime, the government said in a report obtained Friday by The Associated Press.

The report concludes that Iraq's army — praised just this week by
President Bush — needs more men, better leaders, new equipment and improved training to confront the insurgents without U.S. support.

The 59-page report, compiled by Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari's office, reviewed the government's performance since taking office seven months ago. It was prepared for the administration that will take over after elections Dec. 15.

The document claims successes in the economy, improvement in the vital oil industry and in services but acknowledges that security remains a major concern.

"The number of insurgent attacks has continued to rise and they are becoming more indiscriminate, resulting in large numbers of civilian casualties," the report said. "While violent crime, including murder and kidnapping, has fallen, it remains at a high level." It gave no statistics.

The government, the report said, "is well aware that the armed forces and the police will need to become more effective" before they can come "to grips with these huge challenges."

The Bush administration hopes a well-trained Iraqi security force and a democratic government will help stabilize the country and permit a gradual U.S. military exit, possibly starting next year.

In a speech Wednesday, Bush vigorously defended his Iraq policy in the face of mounting pressure to bring home American troops. He said the Iraqis' performance "is still uneven," but there have been improvements in training and that Iraqi units are growing more independent and controlling more territory.

"This will take time and patience," he said.

Iraq's police and army — about 200,000 at present — are dominated by majority Shiite Muslims and are the subject of allegations of mass arrests and mistreatment of Sunni Arabs. Sunnis dominated Iraq for years under
Saddam Hussein and now lead the insurgency.