sign the petition to censure
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I thank GOD none of our service military was killed.
Will you join me in our National protest of high gas prices?
March 2, 2006 Dear Jack:
o it's up to us to hold this Administration accountable -- and demand that they be proactive for a change. I'm going to deliver our petition directly to Secretary Rumsfeld at the Pentagon. Won't you join me?
Hunger in America written by two Lawyers who went all
over to look at Regan's policy's that effect poor
Children. The study and the book led to a National day
of Protest called "Hands Across America". Regan
himself and Nancy participated in the protest against
his own policy's on the White House lawn.
I think bush has about as good of poll numbers as
venereal disease. The house polling numbers right now
look great... we are even leading in national security
which was supposed to be there strong suit for the
last 40 years. WE have to win in 2006 -- I really
think we have a chance of impeaching that bastard...
especially if the supremes overturn Tom Delays
districts in Texas -- I think the case is going to be
heard this April... Demos can easily pickup 3 to 5
seats there if it is overturned, as I expect it well
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