Boycott gas stations
WE THE PEOPLE demand the following;
1)Congress should order a immediate halt on Saturday delivery of all mail by the U.S.P.S. In order to conserve fuel. The reduction should also be quantified and release to the public. Anyone who wants Saturday delivery should pay twice normal rate for it. Anyone who wants Saturday delivery should apply to the U.S.P.S. And ask for a exemption to the rule.
2)Congress should order a immediate reduction of gas used by the Federal Government by 10 percent, only military exempted.
3)Congress should order the immediate reduction of jet fuel that is refined for the Airline Industry. The reduction should be quantified and released to the public. The savings are to be reverted to auto gas production.
4)As a consumer of gas I will buy no gas on Tuesday and Thursday in the month of May.
5)As a consumer of gas I will buy no other products at any gas station on Tuesday and Thursday in the month of May.
6)The only exceptions being for a family emergency or in need of only enough to get to work and back home after work.
7)As a consumer of gas I will do my best to avoid drive in service in order to save gas.
8)As a consumer of gas I will change my oil and spark plugs in order to save gas.
9)As a consumer of gas I will make every effort to find a ride to work and back home with a co-worker and split the cost of Gas.
10)As a consumer of gas and if I have two automobiles I will drive the most fuel saving one of the two and let the other set.
11)As a consumer of gas if I buy a new vehicle it will be a 4 or 6 cylinder. Not a v8. I will also not buy a 8 cylinder used. If I have a v8 I will make every effort to sell it or trade it in.
12)As a consumer of gas I will buy no gas or any other products on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday in the Month of June, July and August.
13) In the months of September, October and November the boycott will remain at 3 days per week and all gas savings from this boycott will be diverted to the production of home heating oil.
14) In December of 2006 Congress should require all gas stations in the U.S.A. To sell Ethanol in one gallon jugs at the station that sells gas and other products. Or they can take out high test and put in Ethanol in underground tanks. Federal Price cap for Ethanol set at 60 cents per gallon, no exceptions. Ethanol is made from corn. Consumers must add or mix the Ethanol at the pump in a mix of one gallon of Ethanol for every nine gallons of gas. That's 10 percent.
15)All gas engines will run on 10 percent Ethanol now however a slightly hotter plug may be needed in some engines.
16)The price cap on Ethanol will keep the industry from price gouging consumers.
17)A 10 percent reduction in jet fuel will increase airline ticket price slightly above current.
18)Some engines may run well on higher than a 10 percent mix. Gallon jugs should be reused or properly disposed of by the station. The gallon jugs must be red and should not be generally sold for hand carry out use. A 10 cent jug charge should be added for the jug and refunded when the jug is returned to the station. This would keep jugs off roadways as trash.
19)Lawn mower gas may be mixed the same as 90 percent gas and 10 percent Ethanol.