Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Is it true that truth will always find you out?

I think the answer is yes, in the end the truth always wins over lies.
Recently we were given our first glimpse of the Conservative Bias in High Court, the vote was 5 -4 and that is the vote that will shape our children's future for the next 30 years.
Writing for the majority was Conservative Bias Justice Anthony Kennedy, he said “employee's who speak out while acting in an official capacity essentially forfeit the First Amendment rights they have as Citizens”. Conservative Bias Chief Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito agreed. Dissenting were Justice David Souter, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.

Public Employees have been stripped of the First Amendment rights of free speech. They can no longer report Fraud and waste, corruption or mismanagement in Government and be protected as “whistle blowers”. This is in effect protecting the right of Government to commit fraud,deception, waste or mismanagement in the name of “doing normal business”. The ruling effects about 20 million at the local, state and federal levels of Government. Far reaching.

Now we know the truth, the Court has been packed with Conservative bias Justices by G.W. Bush and his cronies. They told us “no litmus test” and lied. They told us “we are not packing the court with Conservative bias Judges”. They lied. Democrats were part of this bold face lie. Many groups saw the truth for what it is. Also they saw evil for what it was, they tried to stop Thomas, Alito and Roberts, they failed, the evil doers are very powerful in the USA.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

some gave all, hug a vet today, Honor all

On May 17, Rep. John Murtha), D-Pa., a former Marine, said Corps officials told him the toll in the Haditha attack was far worse than originally reported and that U.S. troops killed innocent women and children "in cold blood." He said that nearly twice as many people were killed as first reported and maintained that U.S. forces were "overstretched and overstressed" by the war in Iraq.
Pentagon spokesman Eric Ruff said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was being kept apprised. Ruff said he did not expect any announcements in the next few days.

Personal note. I have every respect for all our service men, from Vietnam vets to Gulf War vets. I honor them this Veterans day. I celebrate the sacrifice they made and the service to our great country. My Dad was a vet, my two sons are both vets. They served. Bush, Cheney, Rummy and Rice did not.
As I have said before many gave all for the USA, to some the flag is “old Glory”. I have also said “war is hell war is about killing”. We send these brave honorable men into war then press charges for doing the job. That's is why they are there. To fight. Unless you have been in war, you and others of like mind will never understand. John Kerry knows war, he would not have invaded Iraq. John Kerry would have insisted on a clear exit plan before invasion of a country that had already in fact surrendered. John Kerry knows honor and he knows what these men will face in war.
John Murtha knows war, he has been there, he served.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Why not Blimps?

In Akron Ohio there is a Blimp hanger owned by Lockheed Martin since 1996. It was used in WWII for Goodyear Blimps production. Lockheed has a $149 million contract with the Pentagon to build a prototype Blimp which will hang 12 miles up for months, unmanned. It is being made to monitor communications. The prototype is 400 feet long and 140 feet in diameter. A two line tether could be used and smaller Blimps to mount cameras on the blimps to watch the Mexico border. How much does 6000 national guard troops cost tax payers compared to hi-tech answers. BTW, I would be happy to Monitor one camera from my home, I work cheap.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Are you one who falls for PR stunts?

We all know Neocons never govern by polls, right, right. According to them they do what's right for America, they never wag the DOG.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he supported using the National Guard on the Mexican border. He said lawmakers who doubt that the National Guard, whose members have served for years in Iraq and went to the Gulf Coast after last summer's hurricanes, could take on border patrol duty are "whining" and "moaning."

"We've got to secure our borders," Frist said on CNN's "Late Edition." "We hear it from the American people. We've got millions of people coming across that border. First and foremost, secure the border, whatever it takes. Everything else we've done has failed. We've got to face that. And so we need to bring in, I believe, the National Guard."

Just another PR stunt that many will fall for, they seem to be getting scared about the mid-term elections in Congress, wonder why?
Majority Leader Frist does not seem to understand the laws of our Country very well, It is illegal for National Guard troops under fedearal control to be used for border control.

where can i buy Ethanol now?

We have the technology right here, right now to move away from high-priced gasoline. We can build a battery powered car that can recharge overnight on household current. And we have the technologyto begin to create enough alternate bio-fuels to significantly reduce oil imports.
So what's standing in the way?
Economics and politics, say experts.
Building a new auto plant cost's $300 to $600 million. We as tax payers will spend $2 trillion in Iraq over the next ten years. Politics has in fact set the wrong priorities for Government spending. In the USA 45 million Americans have no basic Health Care insurance and half that number are women and children. Politics has decided that Iraq gets public funds and Americans suffer with no basic Health care insurance.
Now you can call me Liberal all you want, shout it from the highest hill but this is just wrong.

America is headed in the wrong direction under the Republican dictatorship not leadership of this Congress and this president. In their mind they really think what harm they have done to America is good for America.
Republicans also know that short term gain for them is the prime objective of the agenda they have in place. As a result of the war in Iraq defense contractors are doing very well, check out Halliburton stock, Republicans are making lots of return on investment. Now they got $70 billion in tax cuts on investments as well. The double dip.

There is a way to end this dictatorship it can be taken down, it's called voting. Those that voted for the Republican agenda and for Bu$h dictatorship would vote that way again now if they could. They agree with the agenda. Short term financial gain for them hangs in the balance. Greed motivates them.

Those of us who do not agree are “the problem” for these Neocons and their agenda. We need to be silenced, we need to be ridiculed until we go away and just give up. We need to be discredited as a nut case conspiracy theorist.
Steps are being taken now to deal with the “problem”, they have 10s of millions of phone records, they can take a picture of my back yard and tell you what's on the grill cooking. They track my cell phone.
How long will it take before the “problem” and the “Terrorist” become one by association? How long will it take FOX news to effect the melting of these two groups into one.

Godly men? ya right.

WASHINGTON - The prosecutor in the CIA leak case said more than six months ago that he was not alleging any criminal acts by Vice President Dick Cheney regarding the leak of agency operative Valerie Plame's identity.
Today, the prosecutor is leaving the door open to the possibility that the vice president's now-indicted former chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, was acting at his boss' behest when Libby allegedly leaked information about Plame to reporters.
A new court filing presents handwritten notes of Cheney. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is using them to assert that the vice president and Libby, working together, were focusing much attention on Plame and her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a Bush administration critic.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Republicans move closer to ending S.S.

Republicans passed the $70 billion in tax cuts for the wealthy. The vote was 54-44.
Ohio Senator DeWine voted for the tax cuts. Ohio Republican Kenneth Blackwell praised the passage of the cuts. These so called "conservaives" do not mind that the federal Government is running a $300 billion deficit over the next five years. They also don't mind that the war in Iraq will cost tax payers $2 trillion over the next ten years.
Under Clinton we had a federal surplus 8 years and even paid down the debt twice. The neocon objective is clear, they want to end S.S. by sending the U.S.A. into debt. Neocons have always had this objective to end S.S.. They also will blame the "tax and spend Democrats" when they are forced to clean up the mess with a balanced federal budgit.
I wonder, are our young people really that stupid?. Would they support the Republican agenda to end S.S. down the road?. I hope not.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fox news, What?

If FOX news said it it has got to be more Neocon propaganda. Most of what they call news is in fact purely a representation of the Neocon agenda.
Russia is opposed to UN santions on Iran, Cheney attacks Russia now to paint them as part of the "axis of evil" we must spend tax payer dollars to defeat. Cheney pulls the strings and Hisbushyness does the dance. If these two have there way, they will take the USA to war with China.
China and Russia will defend Iran. That's what these two mad men want, world war. They love war, they don't fight, they send others to die for them. Just like Hitler. Many will follow blindly.