Beach Bum on Yahoo questions said this,
Many studies have proven that the more educated you are the more an American tends to be a liberal. (this is based on education level not wealth success)
I was republican until the 92 election when I switched to independent. I then voted for Ross Perot in 92 and 96. In 2000, I registered Democratic but still based it on the person. Now I am what is called a yellow dog democrat. That means I am a democrat no matter if a yellow dog is running.
Why am I a 'liberal' democrat and why have I gone to the extreme?
Because I see some very extreme fundamental differences.
- I believe in war as a last resort or unless we or an ally have been attacked. IEs, Gulf War and Pearl Harbor
- I believe in UN support and if the UN is corrupt, instead of bailing on them, fix it.
- I believe we have a duty to pay our elderly social security because they paid those funds when they were working. That is like robbing them if we do not pay it back.
- I do not believe trickle down economics of Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr works. It never works. I believe in Clinton's economic system that is commonly referred to as Pay-As-You-Go.
- I believe in FDR's New Deal that the republican party has been trying to destroy piece by piece.
- I believe our social programs that keep families from living under bridges prevent us from becoming a 3rd world country.
- I believe in welfare but I also believe in Clinton's welfare reform where it is limited to 2 to 3 years in a lifetime. This prevents ppl from living on it their entire life; thereby, prevents welfare abuse.
- I believe in universal healthcare because a healthy nation is a powerful nation and also the pharmcy/insurance companies are corrupt.
- I believe in government regulation of monopolies such as power/energy, cable and telephone companies. Everytime the government deregulates these industries, they promise the price will go down but it never does... it always increases thereby increases the cost of living.
- I do not believe in making laws that violate constiutional rights... such as the Patriot Act or even seatbelt laws.
- I do not believe in making new laws everytime a problem arises; but rather, to fix the problem.
- I believe in gay marriage because gay ppl pay taxes too and heteorsexual couples should not be given special rights by the states just because they are straight. Otherwise take away those special rights and don't allow the state to recognize anyone's marriage.
- I believe in a woman's right to choose because just as the Supreme Court has ruled, a woman has a constitutional right to privacy over what happens to her body.
- I believe in the right to own a gun because it is a constitutional right.
- I believe in the constitution 110% and the liberties it allows each citizen.
- I am anti-illegal immigration because simply, they break the law by entering illegally.
- I believe in complete separation of church and state per the constitution and as interpreted by Thomas Jefferson who stated, "thus building a wall of separation between Church and State"
- I believe in SMALL GOVERNMENT in terms of big brother staying the hell out of my business. I've never participated in a census and refuse to. I am a LIBERAL and believe government has NO RIGHT to stick its nose in my business.
There is more but that's enough to show the point.